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JUST IN - Trump announces 'Donald Trump digital trading cards' in major announcement


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
This proves once and for all that Trump is the best President ever. No other president has ever launched digital trading cards it puts him poles ahead of every other politician who has ever lived.


This proves once and for all that Trump is the best President ever. No other president has ever launched digital trading cards it puts him poles ahead of every other politician who has ever lived.
Wat is the use of this cards? N how will it benefit him getting erected?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Wat is the use of this cards? N how will it benefit him getting erected?

They are not for his own benefit. He's doing it to help mankind. These NFTs will soar in value over the years and everyone who buys them now at the introductory price will become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams once he wins his 2nd term in office.

I suggest you purchase a set now or you'll rue the missed opportunity.


They are not for his own benefit. He's doing it to help mankind. These NFTs will soar in value over the years and everyone who buys them now at the introductory price will become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams once he wins his 2nd term in office.

I suggest you purchase a set now or you'll rue the missed opportunity.

He just screwed his own campaign


Anything is good as long as it's outside the central bank system. I m sticking to precious metal for now.


They are not for his own benefit. He's doing it to help mankind. These NFTs will soar in value over the years and everyone who buys them now at the introductory price will become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams once he wins his 2nd term in office.

I suggest you purchase a set now or you'll rue the missed opportunity.
How do I buy one?


Alfrescian (Inf)
They should do a collaboration with Dragonball, I'm sure that will appeal to more youths.



Trump does not get big donors like the way the democrazies n rinos do. This is one way for him to raise funds...n in 2016...look at how much Clinton outspent Trump....and look at how much desantis has raised vs Trump