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Just how safe is Covid-19 vaccination for young children?

Les grossman

By David L K See

I refer to plans to vaccinate some 300,000 children aged 5 – 11: "S'pore setting up paediatric vaccination centres; one can jab 1,000 children a day" (Straits Times, Dec 16).
I am a 74-year old tertiary-educated Singaporean who is blessed with many grand-nephews and grand-nieces from this age group. They make me feel young.
Our children are our future. Never “play tikam tikam” with their precious health and lives — whether during National Service peacetime training or a disease pandemic.
I take great umbrage at misguided public officials who are knee-jerk quick to label well-meaning feedback as “anti-vaccination fake news”.​

An important reminder: Vaccination is irreversible. Once the vaccine is injected into your young child, there is no changing course.
Vaccination is also never a 100% cure-all tool to fight Covid-19. Other equally important tools include masking, hand-hygiene and social distancing.

Parents are entitled to truthful answers, substantiated with full facts and figures, to help them both make “informed decisions” and subsequently give their “informed consent” wherever necessary. Merely stating “The vaccine is safe. The benefits outweigh the risks.” is an easy lazy way out that will never earn public respect nor trust.
The buck of convincing parents was conveniently passed down to Junior Minister Janil Puthucheary who did an unconvincing job.

He confidently declared that American trials found no cases of anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation) or pericarditis (inflammation around heart) in the 5 – 11 age group.​

More at https://www.domainofexperts.com/2021/12/just-how-safe-is-covid-19-vaccination.html