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Just had the cheapest curry fishhead at another ulu estate.


Alfrescian (Inf)
$12.80 with quite big chunk of meat underneath. A little more coconut milk would have been perfect though.

Fishhead 3_copy_800x600.jpg

Curry fishhead 2_copy_600x800.jpg

fishhead 2_copy_800x600.jpg
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Blk 308 Clementi Ave 4? :biggrin:

Go a bit further north, cross the bridge over the Ulu Pandan canal, and you get to the 'atas' neighbourhood of Sunset Way, with the restaurants and bars there. :wink:



Alfrescian (Inf)
very true, in a coffee shop? if its those chain coffee shop, likely won't be so cheap
Yup it's at a coffeeshop somewhere in Macpherson. You won't even see the town from the main road. Whole area only 3 blocks of old flats.