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Julie Powell dead at 49


High Order Twit / Low SES subject


High Order Twit / Low SES subject

Julie Powell, food writer of Julie & Julia, dies at 49​

4:28pmSource: Associated Press

Food writer Julie Powell, who became an internet darling after blogging for a year about making every recipe in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking, leading to a book deal and a film adaptation, has died. She was 49.

Author Julie Powell attends the premiere of Julie & Julia in 2009.

Author Julie Powell attends the premiere of "Julie & Julia" in 2009. (Source: Associated Press)

Powell died of cardiac arrest on October 26 at her home in upstate New York, The New York Times reported. Her death was confirmed by Judy Clain, Powell's email and editor in chief of Little, Brown.

"She was a brilliant writer and a daring, original person and she will not be forgotten," Clain said in a statement. "We are sending our deepest condolences to all who knew and loved Julie, whether personally or through the deep connections she forged with readers of her memoirs".

Powell's 2005 book Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen became the hit Nora Ephron-directed film Julie & Julia, with the author portrayed in the movie by Amy Adams and Meryl Streep as Child.

Her sophomore and last effort - titled Cleaving: A Story of Marriage, Meat and Obsession - was a bit jarring in its honesty. Powell revealed she had an affair, the pain of loving two men at once, of her fondness for sadomasochism and even a bout of self-punishing sex with a stranger.

"People coming from the movie Julie & Julia and picking up Cleaving are going to be in for some emotional whiplash," she told The Associated Press in 2009. "I don't believe it's going to be a Nora Ephron movie."

Powell began her affair in 2004 as she was putting the finishing touches on her first book, a time she writes when she was "starry-eyed and vaguely discontented and had too much time on my hands".

By 2006, she had landed an apprenticeship at a butcher shop two hours north of New York City, which offered an escape from her crumbling marriage and a place to explore her childhood curiosity with butchers.

"The way they held a knife in their hand was like an extension of themselves," she said.

"I'm a very clumsy person. I don't play sports. That kind of physical skill is really foreign to me, and I'm really envious of that."

The book explores the link between butchering and her own tortured romantic life. At one point, while cutting the connective tissue on a pig's leg, she writes: "It's sad, but a relief as well, to know that two things so closely bound together can separate with so little violence, leaving smooth surfaces instead of bloody shreds."

Her book tapped into the growing interest in old school butchery and her experience slicing meat actually resulted in her eating less of it. She was an advocate for humanely raised and slaughtered animals.

"People want to get their hands dirty. People want to participate in the process. People want to know where their food is coming from," Powell said. "People don't want the mystery anymore."

She is survived by her husband Eric.


well, time and again, those who besmirch the unvaxxed have ended up on the wrong end of the bargain. Careful who you spit at. there are quite a few in Sg who need to watch out


Alfrescian (Inf)
By the way, how many daft Sinkies got the new 'bivalent' shot? If three shots didn't do the job, surely four shots will accomplish it. :sneaky:



Jab pushing NFL coach frustrated because players won't take the jab - His 38 yr old son is dead now.


KNN last year 1 of My uncle's ex Collicks died at 49 too with sudden cardiac arrest and he used to be a verlee fit and successful corporate worker even with a beng characteristics closing deals after deals for the big tech firm KNN everyone just closed his chapter as overworked :frown:
Rip my friend my uncle says :cry:



Julie Powell, food writer of Julie & Julia, dies at 49​

4:28pmSource: Associated Press

Food writer Julie Powell, who became an internet darling after blogging for a year about making every recipe in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking, leading to a book deal and a film adaptation, has died. She was 49.

Author Julie Powell attends the premiere of Julie & Julia in 2009.

Author Julie Powell attends the premiere of "Julie & Julia" in 2009. (Source: Associated Press)

Powell died of cardiac arrest on October 26 at her home in upstate New York, The New York Times reported. Her death was confirmed by Judy Clain, Powell's email and editor in chief of Little, Brown.

"She was a brilliant writer and a daring, original person and she will not be forgotten," Clain said in a statement. "We are sending our deepest condolences to all who knew and loved Julie, whether personally or through the deep connections she forged with readers of her memoirs".

Powell's 2005 book Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen became the hit Nora Ephron-directed film Julie & Julia, with the author portrayed in the movie by Amy Adams and Meryl Streep as Child.

Her sophomore and last effort - titled Cleaving: A Story of Marriage, Meat and Obsession - was a bit jarring in its honesty. Powell revealed she had an affair, the pain of loving two men at once, of her fondness for sadomasochism and even a bout of self-punishing sex with a stranger.

"People coming from the movie Julie & Julia and picking up Cleaving are going to be in for some emotional whiplash," she told The Associated Press in 2009. "I don't believe it's going to be a Nora Ephron movie."

Powell began her affair in 2004 as she was putting the finishing touches on her first book, a time she writes when she was "starry-eyed and vaguely discontented and had too much time on my hands".

By 2006, she had landed an apprenticeship at a butcher shop two hours north of New York City, which offered an escape from her crumbling marriage and a place to explore her childhood curiosity with butchers.

"The way they held a knife in their hand was like an extension of themselves," she said.

"I'm a very clumsy person. I don't play sports. That kind of physical skill is really foreign to me, and I'm really envious of that."

The book explores the link between butchering and her own tortured romantic life. At one point, while cutting the connective tissue on a pig's leg, she writes: "It's sad, but a relief as well, to know that two things so closely bound together can separate with so little violence, leaving smooth surfaces instead of bloody shreds."

Her book tapped into the growing interest in old school butchery and her experience slicing meat actually resulted in her eating less of it. She was an advocate for humanely raised and slaughtered animals.

"People want to get their hands dirty. People want to participate in the process. People want to know where their food is coming from," Powell said. "People don't want the mystery anymore."

She is survived by her husband Eric.
Eat too much, didn't exercise, coronary waiting to happen...


KNN last year 1 of My uncle's ex Collicks died at 49 too with sudden cardiac arrest and he used to be a verlee fit and successful corporate worker even with a beng characteristics closing deals after deals for the big tech firm KNN everyone just closed his chapter as overworked :frown:
Rip my friend my uncle says :cry:
Body needs time to rest. One can look like Hercules, but body inflammation is very very high, cos insufficient sleep to reboot.

So even if triathlete fitness, their heart attack risk is still very high, especially those crazy people who sleep just 4hours each night.


Body needs time to rest. One can look like Hercules, but body inflammation is very very high, cos insufficient sleep to reboot.

So even if triathlete fitness, their heart attack risk is still very high, especially those crazy people who sleep just 4hours each night.
thats true KNN leecentlee laylio channel invited 1 loctor to talk about work sleep and exercise leegime and some people after long hours of work will take the other time to sleep more while some think that they still need to exercise and ended sleeping less KNN endup the former kind live longer KNN


You've heard this umpteen times - Covid won't kill you but the vaccine will. This whole Covid saga is just a farce. I am unvaxxed and I got the Omicron. No big deal. Just like any ordinary flu. In fact, it was much milder. Recovered fully in 3 days. So vax for fuck? Natural immunity is still the best vaccine.