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Serious Josephine, beware! Modi may demand apology as part of CECA negotiations


Alfrescian (Inf)
And a government that stands up for SINKapore will tell Modi to shut up and then tear up the CECA. We don't need the Ah Nehs. Modi needs SINKapore to fulfill the aspirations of the middle class Ah Nehs; he can't give it to them. If these middle class Ah Nehs can't get good paying jobs, they will stir up shit in India. That's why Modi got them good jobs in SINKapore.

Only the stupid PAP government can't see that.


And a government that stands up for SINKapore will tell Modi to shut up and then tear up the CECA. We don't need the Ah Nehs. Modi needs SINKapore to fulfill the aspirations of the middle class Ah Nehs; he can't give it to them. If these middle class Ah Nehs can't get good paying jobs, they will stir up shit in India. That's why Modi got them good jobs in SINKapore.

Only the stupid PAP government can't see that.
But you love black Obama, still the same.

A Singaporean

What to beware?, we have already given away Sinkieland to India years ago through CECA.
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come on PAP, this is good time to collapse the CECA. All the World are affected.
That promise FOR YOU, WITH YOU. .John Tan can testify to that.
Clean up the Sg HOME first.


Old Fart
India a super power? Since fucking when? In all honesty, I think this sudden rush of compassion and empathy for those workers is hypocritical. Thanks to social media for playing up the entire episode. Drumming up emotional mob reaction. Also it doesn't help that the government was caught wrong footed, and the manpower minister is a cunt.


Alfrescian (Inf)
In the dorm matter, we have simply given away a good card to the Indians by Small space Jo.
That is why the gahmen is going overdrive to keep assuring the workers, over and over again,
that they will be looked after, and making sure that their employers continue paying them.


come on PAP, this is good time to collapse the CECA. All the World are affected.
That promise FOR YOU, WITH YOU. .John Tan can testify to that.
Clean up the Sg HOME first.
The PAP would win a big big margin in the coming election if they dare to tear the CECA and revoke the agreement


Modi could very well do that ,demand apology from Sinkiland

you see ,Modi runs a fascist and racist government ...they already have screwd up their economy to historically low ...Modi government doesn't care or know about economy ...Modi party is built by an ideology called Hindutva ..quite similar to Nazism ..where the Aryans as a race is superior to all others ..but Modi's Hindutva stresses on Hinduism as a religion that is superior to any other religion ...hence economy plays second fiddle to such superior mentality

but on the plus side ,almost all our Benglas are Muslims and Modi hates Muslims and Christians ...and most of Indian work force are South Indians and Modis Hindutva philosophy considers these south Indians not so Hindus so as to speak ...even the south Indians themselves don't want to be termed as Hindus ...but it's different if these Indians are CECA typos ..
many of these CECA typos are hard core Hindus themselves and if you touch them Modi or even his minions will send battle ships to our shores ,i guess


India a super power? Since fucking when? In all honesty, I think this sudden rush of compassion and empathy for those workers is hypocritical. Thanks to social media for playing up the entire episode. Drumming up emotional mob reaction. Also it doesn't help that the government was caught wrong footed, and the manpower minister is a cunt.

I think it's because we lack strong investigative journalism in the mainstream media that failed to report on all these old issues with foreign workers that the issues got swept under the carpet until now.

The recent events show people do care about the plight of the foreign workers if only we are made aware about them.

So now we know, hence now we care. But it remains to be seen if this will result in lasting change. The $700 per month levy per worker could go a long way in housing them properly.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I think it's because we lack strong investigative journalism in the mainstream media that failed to report on all these old issues with foreign workers that the issues got swept under the carpet until now.

There is NO journalism in the true sense of the word, let alone investigative journalism.
It is the in-house newsletter of the PAP masquerading as a national broadsheet.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The PAP would win a big big margin in the coming election if they dare to tear the CECA and revoke the agreement

Imo that can be achieved with Pinky’s retirement. Second, return our CPF $. Then, appoint Tharman as PM. In all fairness, the second is all I am interested in.


There is NO journalism in the true sense of the word, let alone investigative journalism.
It is the in-house newsletter of the PAP masquerading as a national broadsheet.

CNA is pretty good but they are like Al-jazeera, reporting shit on others only as long as not in their own backyard.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Part of their cost cutting measures - hire one reporter, one cameraman and pretend to be regional.
But used basically to promote the SG POV to the region as part of investment strategy