SG is 800km sq, Wuhan is 8000km sq so they have a choice of stronger signal lesser Towers or more Towers weaker signal hence the 'testing'. Same like gunpowder, chlorine or flouride are great but how you use it wisely or not is key.
Don't worry too much SG is the 'Heavens on Earth' in this era, the rich and powerful park their assets and family here, we'll be fine. We're actually of average 108 IQ top of crop nobody wants you dead. Kiasu means prudent we don't even have beggars and homeless here hence you may understand why others are jealous and call us sinkies. Everything is connected we're like the eye of the storm in this seemingly Chaos, be calm.
When the stocks are at the lowest and acquisitions of properties are completed will 'The' virus all of a sudden disappear ? lol......