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Chitchat John Tan's High SES HK Pork Noodles For $8.90! How Come Sinkie Hawker Pork Noodles Cannot Sell Above $3?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
High SES HK Pork Noodles for $8.90 at Xin Wang Cafe.

Low SES Sinkie bak chor mee for $3.00!



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
That's not even pork. It's processed meat by-product aka luncheon meat.

Is that why my delicious HK meal costs $10 after GST and service tax?

Luncheon meat is pork. So special ingredients and effort is needed to turn raw pork into yummy luncheon meat? Maybe sinkie hawkers should use more processed food, since it apparently sells better.



Old Fart
Is that why my delicious HK meal costs $10 after GST and service tax?

Luncheon meat is pork. So special ingredients and effort is needed to turn raw pork into yummy luncheon meat? Maybe sinkie hawkers should use more processed food, since it apparently sells better.

I am surprised a high SES fella like yourself would eat such trash.

"A single serving — two thin slices — contains 30 percent of your daily saturated-fat quota, 31 percent of your sodium, and 13 percent of your cholesterol. If people ate Spam exclusively we’d solve the Social Security crisis in a generation. Nobody would live long enough to collect. "

Why Processed Meat is Bad For You
Processed meat is generally considered unhealthy.
It has been linked with diseases like cancer and heart disease in numerous studies.
There is no doubt that processed meat contains many harmful chemicals that are not naturally present in fresh meat.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I am surprised a high SES fella like yourself would eat such trash.

"A single serving — two thin slices — contains 30 percent of your daily saturated-fat quota, 31 percent of your sodium, and 13 percent of your cholesterol. If people ate Spam exclusively we’d solve the Social Security crisis in a generation. Nobody would live long enough to collect. "

Why Processed Meat is Bad For You
Processed meat is generally considered unhealthy.
It has been linked with diseases like cancer and heart disease in numerous studies.
There is no doubt that processed meat contains many harmful chemicals that are not naturally present in fresh meat.


Bak chor mee is trash. It sells for only 1/3 the price of my Xin Wang noodles. If sinkies can pay $10 for Xin Wang noodles, why can't they pay $5 for a standard meal at the hawker center?

Here's another meal I had with luncheon meat in it - korean army stew. It cost my wife and I around $25 for it. This shows that luncheon meat can sell for much higher than raw, fresh meat that sinkie hawkers use.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Enjoy! I would prefer to go for fresh pork rather than processed luncheon meat.

It seems that most of the samsters here prefer fresh pork to processed luncheon meat. Yet the latter can sell for 3 times the price for a simple meal. So I was right when sinkies make a huge mistake to aspire to be hawkers. They are better off selling their food in restaurants than in coffeeshops or hawker centers.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Xin Wang pork noodles can be cook anything at home
It is a home food dish.
Pay over $10 is a ripped off.:biggrin: