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John McCain, Arizona senator and Vietnam war hero, dies at 81


John Sidney McCain III, a Vietnam War hero with more than 35 years of public service who became one of the most distinctive figures in modern American politics as a maverick conservative who took delight in disruption, died Saturday at his home in Arizona.

He was 81.

McCain's daughter Meghan posted a tribute to her father on Twitter shortly after his death, saying she was with him "at his end as he was with me at my beginning."

"My father is gone, and I miss him as only an adoring daughter can," she wrote. "But in this loss, and in this sorrow, I take comfort in this: John McCain, hero of the republic and to his little girl, wakes today to something more glorious than anything on this earth. Today the warrior enters his true and eternal life."

McCain was the admiral’s son who refused an easy out from a Vietcong prison, enduring torture rather than abandoning his friends.

He was also a six-term Republican senator who gained an outsized influence by going against his own party and negotiating with Democrats — even after the 2008 Republican presidential nominee faced a crushing defeat to Barack Obama.

More at https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/john-mccain-arizona-senator-vietnam-war-hero-dies/story?id=52287138


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
If he became president,,,the USA will be a much more stronger and better country than it is now,,,

Are you kidding me the man was a nut job. He also wasn't a very good pilot. He was shot down and ended up as a POW for 5 years.


Are you kidding me the man was a nut job. He also wasn't a very good pilot. He was shot down and ended up as a POW for 5 years.
That was why he stopped being in the military,,,and he remained as a POW for that long was because he wanted everyone to leave before he did,. He is more a military man than Pinky


Alfrescian (Inf)
Trump is happy ...that's all that matters in the USA.

Thanks to Trump, there will be a new world order with a diminished US.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Trump is happy ...that's all that matters in the USA.

Thanks to Trump, there will be a new world order with a diminished US.

I love the way Trump has brought the USA to new heights after that black guy ran the country to the ground.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Are you kidding me the man was a nut job. He also wasn't a very good pilot. He was shot down and ended up as a POW for 5 years.

Being shot down does not mean that he wasn't a good pilot. How many successful mission did he complete?

McCain had honour ...he didn't an early release (the Vietcong wanted to release him early because his father was an admiral).


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Being shot down does not mean that he wasn't a good pilot. How many successful mission did he complete?

McCain had honour ...he didn't an early release (the Vietcong wanted to release him early because his father was an admiral).

I'm with Trump on this one I prefer those who were not captured.


I love the way Trump has brought the USA to new heights after that black guy ran the country to the ground.
your beloved call chicken president is also counting his days now. :rolleyes:... this fucking chicken king also faked his medical records just to dodge the army...
he for sure brought the USA to new heights... :roflmao::roflmao:


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
your beloved call chicken president is also counting his days now. :rolleyes:... this fucking chicken king also faked his medical records just to dodge the army...
he for sure brought the USA to new heights... :roflmao::roflmao:

You have been watching far too much CNN fake news.


Old Fart
Not to take anything away from McCain, he did serve his country in Vietnam and in public office. He was not special because others have done so too. But he was simply not presidential material. The Americans rejected him and went for Obama. Now those same cunts are paying him tribute, just because they are butt-hurt that Mr Trump is in office.
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John McCain's Hanoi Hilton jailor recalls 'stubborn' POW
Tran Trong Duyet, the former director of the infamous 'Hanoi Hilton' prison, grew to respect the young John McCain AFP/Nhac NGUYEN
26 Aug 2018 02:54PM (Updated: 26 Aug 2018 02:55PM)
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HAIPHONG, Vietnam: As a prisoner of war in the "Hanoi Hilton", navy pilot John McCain was known as uncompromising, frank and an avid reader who fiercely debated the war with his Vietnamese jailors.
One of them, the former director of the infamous Hoa Lo prison, recalls verbally sparring with the famous inmate and says McCain's refusal to budge on his views eventually earned his admiration.


"It was his stubbornness, his strong stance that I loved when arguing with him," retired colonel Tran Trong Duyet told AFP.
READ: US senator John McCain has died at the age of 81
In the decades following the Vietnam War, McCain - who died Saturday at the age of 81 -- forgave the enemies who once held him captive, and helped reconcile the two countries that today enjoy strong ties.
His five and a half years in prison began in October 1967 when McCain was thrown into the French-built jail after his Skyhawk divebomber was shot down over Hanoi's Truc Bach lake.


Fished out with a broken leg and two broken arms he was shipped to the cold, crowded facility where some 500 prisoners of war were held.
His captors quickly learned McCain's father was a navy admiral, and the young prisoner soon developed the nickname "Crown Prince".
The early years were grim.
READ: Reactions to the death of US senator John McCain
McCain was held in solitary confinement and suffered from dysentery. For months on end, he was fed only bread and pumpkin soup. He communicated with fellow inmates by tapping codes on the thick concrete walls.
In his memoirs, McCain wrote that solitary "put me in a pretty surly mood" and that he would ward off depression by hollering insults at guards.
And then there were the interrogations and beatings.
"Ropes were put on me and I sat that night bound with ropes," McCain wrote after his 1973 release, recalling one brutal session.
"For the next four days, I was beaten every two to three hours by different guards. My left arm was broken again and my ribs were cracked."
Duyet denies McCain or others were mistreated and says he punished any fellow guards who stepped out of line.
"There was no torture, Vietnamese people saved him," Duyet said in an interview earlier this year at his home in the port city of Haiphong, where he displays both photos of American POWs and more recent images of himself in military uniform posing with US officials.
By the end of his long years in prison, Duyet said his relationship McCain started to warm.
"Out of working hours, we considered each other friends," he said. "He taught me English... he had good teaching skills."
READ: John McCain, unbridled titan of American politics
In his post-prison writings, McCain said things got easier for him in the early 1970s, which he called the "coasting period".
He read propaganda texts about Vietnam communist revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh, and was allowed to roam the prison yard with fellow Americans, who named different sections of the compound after Vegas hotels.
His former jailor preferred to focus on the rosier memories, recalling how they joked, shared stories about family and travel, and even dished about women.
"We laughed together and agreed that women are the same everywhere - they like flattery, they like to sulk, and they're jealous," he told AFP, smiling.
McCain left the navy in 1981 for a long career in politics, most notably as Republican Senator for Arizona. But his "Hanoi Hilton" experience resonated throughout his life.
Donald Trump said during the campaign for the presidency that McCain was "not a war hero" because he was captured in Vietnam.
The controversial comments inflamed his throngs of supporters, many of whom saw his time as a POW as a defining experience.
"John McCain will always be America's prisoner of war, that experience is now inseparable from the name John McCain and the person that has been John McCain," said Alvin Townley, author of "Defiant" about American POWs held in Hoa Lo.
READ: John McCain and Donald Trump - no love lost
McCain was also celebrated for his role in reconciling the United States and Vietnam, which in the half century since the war's end have become close allies.
"(His) openness towards Vietnam and the willingness to revisit not only the country, but his experiences there have certainly helped heal a lot of wounds," Townley said.
McCain visited the Southeast Asian country several times after the restoration of diplomatic ties in 1995, even returning to the "Hanoi Hilton" - now a popular tourist attraction - for an emotional meeting with another former jailor.
Duyet never got a chance to reconnect with McCain, but imagined what he might say if he had.
"If he came to Vietnam, I would greet him, not as a former prisoner and a jailer, but as two veterans, from both sides of the battlefield, now meeting again in the spirit of reconciliation," he said.
When informed of McCain's death, Duyet said Sunday he was "so sad."
"Please if you can, convey my condolences to his family for me."

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/john-mccain-hanoi-hilton-stubborn-prisoner-10653914


Alfrescian (Inf)
Are you kidding me the man was a nut job. He also wasn't a very good pilot. He was shot down and ended up as a POW for 5 years.

I second that! Other than being a consummate politician, I read somewhere that he was a mediocre pilot and a pussy under captivity. He was feted as a war hero for doing don't know what!