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Serious Joe Teo : Learning Malay language should be compulsory for all Singaporeans


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I agree 100%. It is the National Language of the country EVERYBODY should be able to speak Malay.


It is a false flag that Malay is a national language.

There is no future in malay and why need use malay language.


Old Fart
It is a false flag that Malay is a national language.

There is no future in malay and why need use malay language.
I agree. Bahasa is a useless language, very limited application. Commonly used only in Malaysia and Indonesia.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
good idea
we all learnt malay when we were young
no problem at all
good for everyone
non malays should also learn to speak mandarin
win win situation for all


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
if you can speak malay
all the malays become your friends instantly
if you speak mandarin to china prc
they become your bosom friends instantly
lagi better if you speak Bahasa Indonesia ,all Indonesians become your abangabang
if you speak thai, wow, lagi best the oyster is your world lah
the power of being able to speak languages and dialects...POWER!!!!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Very true. Its always an asset being able to speak another foreign language. See how LKY spoke fluent Malay and able to sway and convince the Malays to vote PAP.


I agree. Bahasa is a useless language, very limited application. Commonly used only in Malaysia and Indonesia.

Not as if malay race has dynamic history or once ruled the world. At least Ghenis khan Mongolian conquered the world we can be proud of the history and adopt the language.

Lazy m&d kenna swallowed by British Empire and loss Singapore long ago.

m&d shd be extinct by the British Empire long time ago.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Bullshit! We should learn Japanese since we were once occupied by imperial japan. We should enjoy Japan AV much better!

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Good. All Sinkies should speak Malay.
I have posted my stand before.. I am a realist.. so if there is any tangible benefit for me to pick up and become fluent in Swahili language I will do it. Malay is a dying culture and language. I rather learn Spanish or Russian