Actually I don't have high hopes in general for the world regardless who the leader or president or whoever fuck is.
Point is people are shite.
The social media platforms have merely made it easier for people to show they are shite.
The alternative is what we have in Singapore. POFMA protects Singapore from Donald J Trump, falsehoods, no "Trump Terrorists" here.
I give you an analogy : Chan Cheng Bock, who lost West Coast by 4K votes can easily repeat, if we had Western freedom of Speech say he won the election, that it was rigged, etc. Why not storm parliament, loot kill the MPs? Then several sinkees die.
Good or not? What's the point. I'm the first person to want freedom of press, etc but in this one case, Donald J Trump is a nightmare no one deserves.
But then again Singapore is not the United States. Someone had to learn. Someone has to lead. Someone has to learn from mistakes.
So thank you, United States for leading the way......