I once assisted a friend 58 years old with Primary school education with his resume and brought him to the town council initiative to help the older people get jobs (can't remember the initiative's name). He was retrenched from a job that he was working in for 20+ years, earning a basic of $1800.
He was pretty torn up inside and miserable, and I had to, for a few months, give him money for daily expenses.
The officer-in-charge of his case was pretty reasonable, empathic and was good in following up with his case on a weekly basis with available jobs, counseling his financial situation and being a good listener.
He eventually found a job as a delivery clerk in an MNC, paying him $900 basic, overtime, medical and company bus transport.
In 3 years, he is now earning $1200 basic, with the same benefits.
It really takes a person to be realistic and positive to the system to really benefit from it, they are willing to help, but one without education cannot expect the same salaries as they had before.
So if that is anything to go by, CDAC should be similar, although my experience may be the exception.