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Serious JiuHu Chiobu Asked to GO BACK CINA by Aussies in Sunshine Coast



Victims of coronavirus-fuelled racism in Australia are speaking out about its impact
Updated 17/04/2020
Lynn Ooi has called the Sunshine Coast home for the past three years but recently noticed a change.

“When I go out, whether it's to a restaurant or to buy groceries, people usually don't look at me," she told SBS News, "but since the pandemic hit Australia, I have felt like it's different, whether it’s people changing directions when walking or giving me a funny look."

“I was approached by someone in public a couple of weeks ago asking me why I wasn’t wearing a face mask, even though I wasn't sick and that person wasn’t wearing a mask either.”

The advice from Australian health officials throughout the pandemic has been that wearing a face mask in public is not necessary.

The 27-year-old pharmacist, who is originally from Malaysia, says the funny looks escalated when she was the subject of verbal abuse while visiting a local restaurant last month.

“It was about 7pm and as I walked towards the local restaurant I heard a man yelling at me: 'You f*****g b***h, you do not belong here. What are you f*****g doing here? Go the f*** back to where you belong'."

“I quickly ran into the restaurant. It was scary because this is right around my neighbourhood and it was late, he was obviously under the influence of alcohol and making threatening gestures.”

'Go back to China'
A survey for people to report anti-Asian abuse in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic was launched a fortnight ago by the Asian Australian Alliance with the support of Osmond Chiu, a research fellow at the Per Capita think tank. So far, it has received more than 170 responses.

Activist and writer Erin Chew, the founder of the organisation, says the reporting database was created to provide those who have been the target of discriminatory behaviour to safely report incidents.

According to the data collated, 80 per cent of respondents said that they felt the incident of racism they reported was a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lynn Ooi shares her experience of coronavirus-fuelled racism

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Lynn Ooi shares her experience of coronavirus-fuelled racism

More than 60 per cent of responses said they had been subjected to a racial slur or name-calling - with examples given on the survey form including 'Go back to China' and 'Stop eating bats/dogs' - while more than 25 per cent of people reporting said they felt those responsible for the racism were making it out as a joke.

Other options on the survey form include verbal threats, with the examples 'I will report you to the police for coughing' and 'I will hunt you down', as well as incidents of 'getting spat/sneezed or coughed on'.

Since the COVID-19 outbreak began, incidents of racism against people of Asian appearance have been reported around the world. Asian-Australians have reported being publicly accused of spreading COVID-19 and abused on public transport.

Last week, a petition calling for national unity and an end to anti-Asian racism brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic was started by a group of high-profile Asian-Australians including chef Adam Liaw and writer Benjamin Law.

Ms Chew says she hopes through her survey platform, she can assist people in finding the right avenues for getting assistance.

"What we noticed from the responses was something like 88 per cent of people did not report what happened to the police and so we can go through the more detailed responses to potentially see if they should lodge a complaint, or perhaps suggest organisations they can go for support," she said.

“I think a difficulty for many people is that they won't lodge a complaint to the Human Rights Commission or go to the police because they are nervous or fearful of the process they may have to go through.”

The Asian Australian Alliance has plans to release its survey in simplified and traditional Chinese at the end of the week as well as Korean and Vietnamese in the near future.

Calls for a more coordinated response
The Human Rights Commission told SBS News there has been a spike in racial discrimination complaints lodged in recent months.

"The month of February has the highest number of complaints under the Racial Discrimination Act in this financial year, and 32 per cent of those complaints are COVID-19 related," Race Discrimination Commissioner Chin Tan said.

Mr Tan said the number of complaints in March has decreased with 23 per cent of those complaints being COVID-19 related, but warned the statistics from the commission is by no means comprehensive.

“We don't see all the cases coming through, there are some that we just can't deal with," he said.

"Ultimately, it's a system based on parties coming together and trying to conciliate differences they may have so it doesn't reflect all racial complaints or incidents. For example, there may be issues that pertain to physical violence or threats and in those cases, we encourage people to report it to the police."

Lynn Ooi

Lynn Ooi says she wanted to speak out to let others know they are not alone.

Mr Tan is advocating for a more centralised approach to reporting racial discrimination incidents in Australia.

"We have worked with groups such as the Online Hate Prevention Institute and All Together Now and we are interested in what groups like the Asian Australian Alliance are doing as well to better understand what is going on.

"Of course, we need to know the methodology, it has to stand up to scrutiny and we are working that through, but in my view, it would be a great idea to have a centralised agency or, or a centre that takes in all the complaints and reports that happens out in the community so we can have a clearer idea of exactly what is happening."

"This is a time to support each other more and act kindly to each other," Mr Tan said. "We need to be able to be empathetic and find ways to support each other."

Ms Ooi said she hopes people will learn to understand the COVID-19 pandemic is not race-based.

"Coronavirus doesn't just affect you if you're Chinese or Asian heritage, it can affect everyone regardless of ethnicity ... the virus has nothing to do with race.

"I hope people can have more understanding and be more forgiving and kind."

Have you been affected by discrimination related to COVID-19 and would like to share your story? Contact [email protected] (secure email).


hmmm... maybe they should go back to England.

Oh wait! I forgot, England didn't want them in the 1st place and shipped them as far away as possible. I guess they're still butt hurt about being shit and are looking for someone else to dump on.

Typical Ozlander behaviour.

syed putra

Malays treat those of chibese descent so much better. They only tell the Chinese who cannot conform to go to Singapore.


Victims of coronavirus-fuelled racism in Australia are speaking out about its impact
Updated 17/04/2020
Lynn Ooi has called the Sunshine Coast home for the past three years but recently noticed a change.

“When I go out, whether it's to a restaurant or to buy groceries, people usually don't look at me," she told SBS News, "but since the pandemic
hit Australia, I have felt like it's different, whether it’s people changing directions when walking or giving me a funny look."

tis proved amdk are educated to be stupid.


Alfrescian (Inf)
hmmm... maybe they should go back to England.
Oh wait! I forgot, England didn't want them in the 1st place and shipped them as far away as possible. I guess they're still butt hurt about being shit and are looking for someone else to dump on.
Typical Ozlander behaviour.
Ozzies can be sensitive when you refer them of their penal colony ancestry :cautious:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Malays treat those of chibese descent so much better. They only tell the Chinese who cannot conform to go to Singapore.
hanor, lucky for the chinks - as without them the pundeks would not have orang tua, goh ka-pi or bung-ki-lo to provide the extra kicks for them to use on their families :eek:


Ozzies can be sensitive when you refer them of their penal colony ancestry :cautious:
i agree and it's never a good thing to be racist, but in this case they picked on a harmless Malaysian pharmacist. If I have to do something bad to keep it from getting worse I will. If they can pick on some poor defenseless Asian girl out of nowhere, I'm not holding back.


What will u do?

What shd u do?

i agree and it's never a good thing to be racist, but in this case they picked on a harmless Malaysian pharmacist. If I have to do something bad to keep it from getting worse I will. If they can pick on some poor defenseless Asian girl out of nowhere, I'm not holding back.


Malays treat those of chibese descent so much better. They only tell the Chinese who cannot conform to go to Singapore.

This shit putra shld be an ah neh and he got caught fucking m&d gals and force into islam! Like those m&d/ah neh ah peh, he will always go kopitiam lim teh tarik and lust at our chinese chio bu and say why that cheena gals wear like a whore but in his mind, he keep lusting on her and he wanna rape her!


What will u do?

What shd u do?

depends on number. If so large a number there is no choice. Fucking leave the country!! :ninja: note also that I believe the police are against you. liddat no hope for quick solution. nothing left to do unless you want to spend the rest of your life fixing. for that you need to be like gandhi. but I'm not going to waste my whole life there.

if 1 one 1 it's easy. talk slowly and ask him what his problem is. Very often, they are angry about their own lives looking for someone to take it out on. Chinese are easy target. You actually have 3 options. First is what the girl and most Chinese would do. run and avoid conflict. The 2nd is escalate. Turn around and offer fight. Risky because even if you win, can get hurt. Last time that happened, after hammering the guy, I can't use my hands for 1 week, but he's okay after a short while. Also, depending on the person, you are likely to create more hate so not useful ultimately. Third option is the best, calmly gently ask him what's going on. Answer all his questions directly. But it's also the hardest because you have to be sure of yourself. If you not sure uhmm ahhhh, then no use.

Basically, they have a script. 1st is go back to China. The answer is I didn't come from China. 2nd is go back to wherever you came from. The answer is why should I? The rest of the script I encourage you to do your own role playing and come up with your answers. I'd like to hear them.
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This shit putra shld be an ah neh and he got caught fucking m&d gals and force into islam! Like those m&d/ah neh ah peh, he will always go kopitiam lim teh tarik and lust at our chinese chio bu and say why that cheena gals wear like a whore but in his mind, he keep lusting on her and he wanna rape her!
he is ah neh.... his #1 lust is Chinese, #2 Japanese. Or maybe I've got my order mixed up, you should ask him... :laugh::laugh:


Bro, these things build up over times. The Cronulla ones was a build up of racist, terrirtory dispute, war in Lebanon and ME and media fake bia news lead to final explosion.

Same a Indian Melbourne fight.

There will be a build up to a final stage which will start in uni, Chinatown or any Chinese population town.

Good watch. The HK riots already brewing in 5 eye countries but is Chinese vs Chinese.

This big one pandemic if keep going is going to explode soon hurting more Chinese.

depends on number. If so large a number there is no choice. Fucking leave the country!! :ninja: note also that I believe the police are against you. liddat no hope for quick solution. nothing left to do unless you want to spend the rest of your life fixing. for that you need to be like gandhi. but I'm not going to waste my whole life there.

if 1 one 1 it's easy. talk slowly and ask him what his problem is. Very often, they are angry about their own lives looking for someone to take it out on. Chinese are easy target. You actually have 3 options. First is what the girl and most Chinese would do. run and avoid conflict. The 2nd is escalate. Turn around and offer fight. Risky because even if you win, can get hurt. Last time that happened, after hammering the guy, I can't use my hands for 1 week, but he's okay after a short while. Also, depending on the person, you are likely to create more hate so not useful ultimately. Third option is the best, calmly gently ask him what's going on. Answer all his questions directly. But it's also the hardest because you have to be sure of yourself. If you not sure uhmm ahhhh, then no use.

Basically, they have a script. 1st is go back to China. The answer is I didn't come from China. 2nd is go back to wherever you came from. The answer is why should I? The rest of the script I encourage you to do your own role playing and come up with your answers. I'd like to hear them.