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Jiuhu 又做到了••boleh boleh, now jitao 太岁头上动土


2 men charged for Bukit Timah armed gang robbery; over S$4.3 million in valuables stolen

The two men were arrested in Malaysia with help from the Royal Malaysia Police.

2 men charged for Bukit Timah armed gang robbery; over S$4.3 million in valuables stolen

Muhammad Tauffiq Ahmad Fauzi (left), 32, and Goh Boon Tong, 28, who were allegedly involved in an armed gang robbery in Bukit Timah on Apr 18, 2024, are seen in police custody. (Photos: Singapore Police Force)


SINGAPORE: Two men were charged in court on Thursday (May 2) for their alleged roles in an armed gang robbery involving more than S$4.34 million (US$3.19 million) in cash, cryptocurrency and other valuables.

Goh Boon Tong, 28, and Muhammad Tauffiq Ahmad Fauzi, 32, both Malaysians, were each handed a count of armed gang robbery.

According to their charge sheets, the pair were with three or more other people when they jointly robbed six victims of their valuables at a residence along King Albert Park in Bukit Timah in the early hours of Apr 18. The items stolen were worth about S$4,341,328.

In robbing these six people, the group also wrongfully restrained another five individuals and put them in fear of hurt, the charge sheets said.

The suspects purportedly carried out the robbery while armed with parangs and baseball bats, which are considered deadly weapons.

Goh and Tauffiq were both remanded and will return to court on May 9.
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This is really Boleh

Jiuhu Kia dare to move earth on Grand Duke Head de woh.....


According to their charge sheets, Kartik, Hamidon, Hashim, Goh and Tauffiq were with "several others" when they jointly robbed six victims of their valuables at a residence along King Albert Park in the early hours of Apr 18. The items stolen were worth about S$4,341,328.

The suspects purportedly carried out the robbery while armed with parangs and baseball bats, which are considered deadly weapons.

The offence of armed gang robbery carries a jail term of up to 20 years and up to 24 strokes of the cane.

Goh was handed a separate charge on Thursday unrelated to the armed gang robbery. He was charged with suspected involvement in knowingly receiving any gratification as a reward for providing services that will aid the prostitution of any person.



How do they know that These robbers are from Malaysia ?
From which sauce of information do they get the info from ?

How do they know that These robbers left Singapore immediately after robbing? They could have left for Thailand using Malaysia airport


How do they know that These robbers are from Malaysia ?
From which sauce of information do they get the info from ?

How do they know that These robbers left Singapore immediately after robbing? They could have left for Thailand using Malaysia airport
arrested by Jiuhu Mata mah


Goh Boon Tong, 28, and Muhammad Tauffiq Ahmad Fauzi, 32, both Malaysians, were each handed a count of armed gang robbery.

This only shows that Malaysia is a racial harmony country. Malay can work very well with Chinese to rob racist Singaporeans


How do they know that These robbers are from Malaysia ?
From which sauce of information do they get the info from ?

How do they know that These robbers left Singapore immediately after robbing? They could have left for Thailand using Malaysia airport
I am not surpise some take ferry to Sumatra, a faster route to escape, and more easy to hide among Indon than Thai


Frankly msian polis are efficient. Its a matter of whether they want to solve the case or close both eyes. Mas Selamat one good example.


But how do they know these are the people who Rob ?
They must have covered their face, change clothing immediately after robbing.

Take a rented van out of country calmly.
we, the HDbee Hardlander, are very hard to understand GCB Bunglow Security system de.

If these rich folks can store 4m wealth at home, their home insurance and sexurity should also be gao gao mah.

Jiuhu mata also has a lot connection to detect people trying to 散货or cash out cypto curriencies


But how do they know these are the people who Rob ?
They must have covered their face, change clothing immediately after robbing.

Take a rented van out of country calmly.
That is only part 1...hard part cum next


Goh Boon Tong, 28, and Muhammad Tauffiq Ahmad Fauzi, 32, both Malaysians, were each handed a count of armed gang robbery.

This only shows that Malaysia is a racial harmony country. Malay can work very well with Chinese to rob racist Singaporeans
More like strange bedfellows. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
According to their charge sheets, the pair were with three or more other people when they jointly robbed six victims of their valuables at a residence along King Albert Park in Bukit Timah in the early hours of Apr 18. The items stolen were worth about S$4,341,328.

Sad. The old KAP McDonalds provided me with many happy memories.
