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Jiuhoo's Akta Sakit Hati a.k.a. Hurt Feelings Act. Ginfreely has hope against her Jiuhoo neighbours. Lol!


Efforts to review 'Akta Sakit Hati' underway - deputy minister
Geraldine Tong
Published: Mar 1, 2023 12:06 PM

Updated: 12:06 PM

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The government plans to review aspects of Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act (CMA), which has come to be known among activist circles as the 'Akta Sakit Hati' (Hurt Feelings Act).

Deputy Communications and Digital Minister Teo Nie Ching said the review would focus more on how to ensure investigations could be carried out more smoothly.

“There are efforts to examine aspects of Section 233 but it is more towards how to ensure that investigations can be run more smoothly.

“I welcome all suggestions on how to improve Section 233. There is a need for Section 233 to exist but how can we make sure it is not abused,” Teo said in the Dewan Rakyat during the question-and-answer session today.

This was in response to a question from Syahredzan Johan (Harapan-Bangi) who asked whether there are efforts to amend Section 233 to ensure it will not be abused.

He pointed out that Section 233 is known to be a problematic provision.

“I myself as a lawyer have often represented clients, normal people, who have been arrested, investigated, charged and later convicted (under the provision) for criticising politicians,” Syahredzan said.

Section 233 criminalises the ‘improper use’ of network facilities with the intent of annoying, abusing or threatening another person.

The law allows for a fine of up to RM50,000, a jail term of up to one year, or both, upon conviction.
