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Jiuhoo LiuLian will have competition now. CCP stole the LiuLian and mass export in 2024. You can soon order LiuLian from Taobao




What varietal did they grow? MSW?
The CCP probably stole everything. Even the Japanese Muscat grape technology was stolen. Not that I am complaining. It's almost 99% the same and at a third of the price of Japanese Muscat grapes :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
The CCP probably stole everything. Even the Japanese Muscat grape technology was stolen. Not that I am complaining. It's almost 99% the same and at a third of the price of Japanese Muscat grapes :biggrin:
Copying and self sufficiency is ok as they can cater to their domestic market. A couple of years ago the PRCs were crazy over Malaysian durians and inflated the prices until poor Sinkies couldn't afford to eat. As they say, wherever the PRCs go they spoil the market price.

syed putra

I have tasted southern thai durian but the way they cut the fruit open is all different and it was tasteless.fruit was hard, like not ripe.
But still some thai durians are highly regarded. Maybe from other parts of thailand as they are biggest exporter on the planet.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Don't hold your breath. Hainan island will probably be the first place to kena big time when war breaks out. :biggrin:


It's a renown fact. Anything you can export to China will eventually be copied and sold at half the cost by the Chinks. Nothing new.


Good ,then jiuhu durian will be cheap,like 2 to 3 dollar per durian ,lol,its time ,hope China can produce more

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
They will probably spray lots of pesticide poison. I wouldn't want them even if they give them out for free.


just boycott all durian from China. simple. just like how you show the middle finger to the mRna vaccine.

There is a vegetarian stall staffed by a CCP. he actually teach ( reprimand) me how to eat food when i ask from diff type of curry sauce from one of the dishes. I told him straight in his face that i will never buy from this stall again. Unless he is not working there anymore. that packet of food, which i paid for from his reprimand, was thrown away later, without eating it.

This is the 2nd lousy incident, the first one is that he told me no need to buy from him if i think the food is expensive. when i expressed my opinion that it is.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Tiong durians are simply imported durians and are simply stamped with a "Made in China" logo and then shipped overseas again.... :roflmao: