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Jiuhoo clinic robbery


Could be. Anyway, all müds look and think the same (in other words, not much!).:biggrin:
Many many years ago while walking on the main road near KLCC with a chiobu Malaysian girl, a motorbike with pillion came from behind and the pillion snatch my chiobu's handbag. My chiobu was tenacious siah. She fought the pillion off regaining her handbag while I held on the rider. :roflmao:


Old Fart
Many many years ago while walking on the main road near KLCC with a chiobu Malaysian girl, a motorbike with pillion came from behind and the pillion snatch my chiobu's handbag. My chiobu was tenacious siah. She fought the pillion off regaining her handbag while I held on the rider. :roflmao:
Your chiobu Malaysian girl is feisty!! Definitely a keeper. I bet you and her have wild energetic sex all the time! :biggrin: