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Jiuhoo : April 12, 1987 - Murder of Ang May Hong


April 12, 1987 - Murder of Ang May Hong

The nine-year-old had gone alone to buy breakfast at a market near her house in Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur.

When she did not return, her family searched for her, only for her father to find her body three hours later at an empty house nearby, supposedly a drug haunt.

A metre-long piece of wood with nails had been stuffed into her private parts, rupturing her inner organs.

Ang May Hong, ditemui mati kira-kira 200 meter dari rumahnya selepas dirogol dan dibunuh dalam keadaan kemaluannya dirodok dengan kayu sehingga menembusi usus dan jantung, manakala leher mangsa juga dijerut dengan wayar. Bedah siasat ke atas mayat mangsa juga mendapati ada banyak kecederaan serius pada badannya dipercayai dipukul dengan benda keras.

While there were several "confession" letters purportedly written by her killer and a regular customer from her father's bak kut teh stall was detained for questioning, no one was ever charged for the crime.

Her murder sparked anger, with about 100 demonstrators voicing their concern over the case in front of Restaurant Seng Hiong, where May Hong's father had his stall.

For months afterwards, parents living in the vicinity would not let their children go out alone.

The case remains unsolved until today just like Nurin's case.
