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Serious Jialat! AMDL Athlete Jailed by CCP for Covid Positive! Will Samsters Pray for Her?



Winter Olympics: IOC intervenes as tearful Belgian skeleton racer Kim Meylemans breaks down in ‘totally unacceptable’ Beijing 2022 isolation​

  • Meylemans posts emotional video documenting her ordeal after being put in fresh quarantine facility instead of Olympic Village, despite negative PCR tests
  • IOC statement says 25-year-old will be moved to single room in Village on Thursday after outcry on social media


orh mee suah

The rules were the same in Tokyo Olympics.
She had been treated in accordance with the rules for close contacts in the so-called Olympics playbooks that govern Covid protocols for the Games.
The IOC cannot take the risk of infecting the rest of the atletes in the Village.
However, after her emotional pleas, she can now occupy a single room in the Village.
The smear campaign is delibrately intensified just ahead of the Winter Games.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The rules were the same in Tokyo Olympics.
She had been treated in accordance with the rules for close contacts in the so-called Olympics playbooks that govern Covid protocols for the Games.
The IOC cannot take the risk of infecting the rest of the atletes in the Village.
However, after her emotional pleas, she can now occupy a single room in the Village.
The smear campaign is delibrately intensified just ahead of the Winter Games.
Hey CCPee dog, we like to smear tiongcock. So what the fuck can you do about it ? :roflmao: :FU:


Alfrescian (Inf)
The rules were the same in Tokyo Olympics.
She had been treated in accordance with the rules for close contacts in the so-called Olympics playbooks that govern Covid protocols for the Games.
The IOC cannot take the risk of infecting the rest of the atletes in the Village.
However, after her emotional pleas, she can now occupy a single room in the Village.
The smear campaign is delibrately intensified just ahead of the Winter Games.
pcr test negative lah. just because she coughs and may have flu not xi virus does not warrant her to be quarantined with other xi virus positive cases. prc phucks up. simple as that. what smear campaign?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I see a lot of voluntary donation of high-quality human organs from overseas. :sneaky:
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The rules were the same in Tokyo Olympics.
She had been treated in accordance with the rules for close contacts in the so-called Olympics playbooks that govern Covid protocols for the Games.
The IOC cannot take the risk of infecting the rest of the atletes in the Village.
However, after her emotional pleas, she can now occupy a single room in the Village.
The smear campaign is delibrately intensified just ahead of the Winter Games.
Very simple logic which anyone with a brain can see… but many in this forum dont