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Jiak Liao Bee feel Burnout after using AI in work, Kym?



Will AI make work burnout worse?​

MaryLou Costa - Technology Reporter
Wed, 23 October 2024 at 7:10 AM SGT7-min read

Anurag Garg sitting at his computer wearing a white shirt.

There are too many AI tools says Anurag Garg [Anurag Garg]
When ChatGPT burst onto the scene in late 2022, PR agency founder Anurag Garg was eager for his team of 11 to quickly incorporate the technology in their workflow, so the business could keep up with its competitors.
Mr Garg encouraged his employees to use the AI language tool for the agency’s long list of daily tasks, from coming up with story ideas for clients, pitches to offer the media, and transcribing meeting and interview notes.
But rather than increase the team’s productivity, it created stress and tension.