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Jewel Changi Airport to reopen on June 14; some airport workers to be part of trial for breathalyser Covid-19 tests



SINGAPORE — Jewel Changi Airport will reopen on Monday (June 14), after having been closed to the public for a month from May 13 amid the emergence of a Covid-19 cluster among airport workers.

The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and Changi Airport Group (CAG) said in a joint statement on Friday that there have been no new cases involving airport workers since May 20.

However, the airport’s passenger terminal buildings, which were also closed on May 13, will remain shut.

“More details about the passenger terminal buildings’ reopening will be released nearer the date,” the statement said.

Minister for Transport S Iswaran said that the opening of the passenger terminals will depend on a “holistic assessment of the situation”.

Read more at https://www.todayonline.com/singapo...port-workers-be-part-trial-breathalyser-covid