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Japan is so smart not like retarded crybabies leftist in the west importing criminals.


Nippon only allow East Asian look alike to jump aeroplane... Most important ish after that must use nippon name and pretend to be nikon jin

A Singaporean

This is absolutely wrong. What will happen to the monolingual Singlish speaking angmoh wannabe Sinkies? They will not be able to go to the promised land and be Angmohs.


My niece works in Japan. Malays and Japanese are like abang adik.

Plenty of Japs and Gooks in Malaysia praise it regularly. Many Japanese influence in business trade investment culture in Malaysia too. Maybe both communities are against chinks. That's a good reason to band together. But of coz Japs are just a yankee poodle.

BTW why is the nigga being bullied by 5 or 6 japs policemen?

syed putra

Plenty of Japs and Gooks in Malaysia praise it regularly. Many Japanese influence in business trade investment culture in Malaysia too. Maybe both communities are against chinks. That's a good reason to band together. But of coz Japs are just a yankee poodle.

BTW why is the nigga being bullied by 5 or 6 japs policemen?
Unless jap is sumo wrestler, it takes that many to apprehend a black guy. They are rough and tough.