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Its official! CNA has exposed NEA pests officers to be jiak liao bees who do not actually catch the rats when people report rat sightings.




2 weeks ago (edited)
The response from the NEA regualtors are so typical of singapore civil servants - -"we will inform the stakeholders" >> then what they will do is go back office send emails, wait for emails, send to management, wait for budget, wait for approvals >> This type of "behaviour" is not just by the NEA but by almost all the ministries --The "not within our scope of work" mentality (despite them being on national TV)


2 weeks ago
NEA number 1. Wow half F efforts, no rats got burrows? How you can tell its cockroach dropping vs rat dropping if "not trained" to catch? So your job is taiji lor? Who train you all catch people littering and smoking? Garment agencies favourite exercise is taiji. Push to other department nia



12 days ago (edited)
Kudos to Munah for pushing the NEA guy a few times in the interview and not letting him get away easily. After this, it is clear that NEA is just not doing enough to roll up their sleeves and help with the rat issue. Just simply providing guidelines and direction and playing a coordinator role is not the solution as clearly the rat numbers never went down.


Times are hard. Even squirrels are rummaging through rubbish bins to look for food.

Can those NEA jiakliaobees climb trees to catch squirrels?
Sin you watch the clips? The NeA officers said they are regulators, they do not do dirty stuff like catching pest. They will just go back to their office and write emails to taichi the issue to another party to fix