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Italy: imam expelled for voicing support for Hamas



Bologna imam expelled for voicing support for Hamas​

An imam of a Bologna mosque was expulsion from Italy after voicing support for Hamas on Tuesday.
Pakistani Zulfiqar Khan, imam of the mosque on Jacopo's via Paolo in Bologna, was to taken the police station to be - expelled.
Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosisigned a decree of expulsion from the national territory for state security reasons after it was reported that Zulfiqar expressed a fundamentalist vision of the concept of jihad and, among other things, exalted the Martydom and work of the mujahideen in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, voicing support for Hamas.
The imam's lawyer Francesco Murru spoke of "a return to aapoli state and the prosecution of crimes of opinion."


Alfrescian (Inf)
The outspoken and honest ones are harmless. The quiet, coy, shy ones who hide their intentions beneath 'religious tolerance' or interfaith bullshit, those are the ones that you have to keep an eye on. :cool: