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Most Singaporeans rate China’s clout above US, prefer it as strategic partner: survey​

Many respondents feel foreign countries would come to Singapore’s aid if it were attacked, researchers find
Singapore’s Prime Minister Lawrence Wong with China’s Premier Li Qiang in Vientiane last Friday. Photo: Xinhua

Jean Iau
Published: 3:30pm, 15 Oct 2024Updated: 7:22pm, 15 Oct 2024


More Singaporeans based in the city state and abroad believe China’s influence in Southeast Asia has grown in recent years compared with the US, according to findings of a new survey.

Most of those surveyed on their geopolitical attitudes by research company Verian also picked China as a strategic partner for security and survival over neighbouring Malaysia and Indonesia, the US, Australia, Japan and Britain.

About 51 per cent of Singaporean respondents based locally and 47 per cent of those overseas felt the international community would come to Singapore’s aid if it was attacked.


Leong Chan-Hoong, one of the researchers behind the poll published last Friday, told This Week in Asia the numbers showed naivety among some Singaporeans on certain geopolitical issues.

“Many countries today, including the superpowers, are sensitive to supporting other nation states in need of help apart from providing financial help, military assets, and other relief supplies. This reflects the calculation of their domestic political cost.”


The study surveyed 1,539 Singaporeans based in the city state and 819 Singaporeans based abroad over the second half of last year. About 35 per cent of the overseas Singaporeans surveyed live in Australia and New Zealand, 22 per cent live in the US, 17 per cent are based in Britain while those living in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan made up 7 per cent.

Leong called the survey the first systematic investigation that distilled how Singaporeans viewed their country as a global city state, and their confidence in tackling emerging problems and identifying areas where Singapore might be complacent.


On Singaporeans’ belief that the international community would come to its aid, Chong argued this could be down to the long-term image in local media that Singapore was popular on the world stage.

“This reflects Singaporeans as being relatively uninformed about international politics,” he noted, adding “there is a lack of clarity among the public over Singapore’s interests and where the country stands”.

Bilveer Singh, a political science professor from NUS, said the findings showed a “naivety that others would help” as well as a lack of understanding and appreciation of geopolitics.