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It’s Official! US Supreme Court unanimously says put Trump back on the fucking ballot! Trump is a Hero not an Insurrectionist!



WASHINGTON: The US Supreme Court handed Donald Trump a major victory on Monday (March 4) as he campaigns to regain the presidency, overturning a judicial decision that had excluded him from Colorado's ballot under a constitutional provision involving insurrection for inciting and supporting the Jan 6, 2021, Capitol attack.

The justices unanimously reversed a Dec 19 decision by Colorado's top court to kick Trump off the state's Republican primary ballot on Tuesday after finding that the US Constitution's 14th Amendment disqualified him from again holding public office.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Some reactions from the Trump-hating liberal subhuman trash:


Oh, and the US presidential election of 2020 was stolen. That score will be settled in future. :cool:


What worries me is that they might just charge trump and find him guilty for insurrection than the book can be thrown at him


Alfrescian (Inf)
What worries me is that they might just charge trump and find him guilty for insurrection than the book can be thrown at him

Doesn't work that way in America. In China or Sinkieland, maybe.

The difference between a civilized country and an uncivilized one.



WASHINGTON: The US Supreme Court handed Donald Trump a major victory on Monday (March 4) as he campaigns to regain the presidency, overturning a judicial decision that had excluded him from Colorado's ballot under a constitutional provision involving insurrection for inciting and supporting the Jan 6, 2021, Capitol attack.

The justices unanimously reversed a Dec 19 decision by Colorado's top court to kick Trump off the state's Republican primary ballot on Tuesday after finding that the US Constitution's 14th Amendment disqualified him from again holding public office.
6 out of the 9 US Supreme Court charges are in the Trump camp.


Doesn't work that way in America. In China or Sinkieland, maybe.

The difference between a civilized country and an uncivilized one.
The left and the cabal have been doing it...and with Alamak in charge...they will just find an excuse to throw him on the gallows...the USA constitution has been violated since forever