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Hassan nasrallah dead? The zionist assasinate another leader? Hezbollah gone?


These terrorist leaders are job hoppers. They just jump from Hezbollah to Souni to Hamas etc for higher pay and relocation package


Left hand pays right hand. Don’t all terror networks lead to the same source of funding? It’s all a form of stagecraft used to distract you from pressing issues, disrupt existing systems and create new kingdoms

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
I see Biden's finger prints everywhere. Looks like Israel can kill anyone they like.
Can they please do likewise to Fatty Kim & the worldwide beggar of Zelinsky?

syed putra

I see Biden's finger prints everywhere. Looks like Israel can kill anyone they like.
Can they please do likewise to Fatty Kim & the worldwide beggar of Zelinsky?
Thats because israel is the top terrorist state. They are not satisfied with just Palestine. They want the entire middle east.