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Israel vs Hamas ... Where you get the news?


i watched both.
Al Jazeera is pro Palestine / Hamas.
Fox is pro Israel.
Both talk lots of shit propaganda.


Learn to discern and read between the lines.

For eg, hasbara news puts out stories of 40 babies being beheaded.
Ask questions.
Who put out the story? Because everybody has an agenda.
Are the stories replayed by western media? Confirmation of agenda.
Where are the pics. Nil.
Where did it happen. Nil.
When did it happen. Nothing.
Who first witnessed it? None.
Ask logical questions.
Where can anyone find 40 babies in one spot?
A kindergarten? It's a Saturday.
In a hospital paediatric? Any Israeli hospital within 10km of Gaza?
Then read between the lines. Throw away your bias that organisations are demonic and has a depraved set of morality. It never happens. Otherwise no one will want to be it's member .
Is it sensible for hamas to kill 40 babies?
What would they possibly achieve by doing it?
Have they a history of doing it?

I can go on. But.....you cannot cure stupid.


Old Fart
I get my news from Fox, Newsmax and Skynews. Because they present only unbiased reports i.e., facts, which align with my world view.:thumbsup::biggrin: