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Israel says no one in Gaza will get water, electricity or food until all hostages are free, but Hamas says Israeli attacks already killed most of them


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

I heard it rained in Gaza the day the siege was announced. So the arab palestinians won't run out of water so soon yet.

The arab palestinians can't flee either. Egypt announced that they will not let palestinians leave. Need them to man up and face the Israeli military instead of running away like cowards. Rafah crossing is under lockdown to prevent palestinians from leaving.


I heard it rained in Gaza the day the siege was announced. So the arab palestinians won't run out of water so soon yet.

The arab palestinians can't flee either. Egypt announced that they will not let palestinians leave. Need them to man up and face the Israeli military instead of running away like cowards. Rafah crossing is under lockdown to prevent palestinians from leaving.
So Egypt is the eagle father who seeks to nurture Gaza people into true warriors by first learning to face the enemy head on.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
So Egypt is the eagle father who seeks to nurture Gaza people into true warriors by first learning to face the enemy head on.

Egypt is not nurturing its own people into 'true warriors' to face the enemy head on.