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Islamists sprayed a British flag with gasoline, cut it with a knife, and burned it while another urinated on it. Shouts of "Allahu Akbar" can be heard


This is what happened when u let Islam take roots in your country. Lebanon is also another prime example of how Islam has destroyed peace loving society.


This is what happened when u let Islam take roots in your country. Lebanon is also another prime example of how Islam has destroyed peace loving society.
just look at malaysia, Selangor is not the state with the highest rape cases. The 2 sharia states take the top titles.

Majority of malays in Malaysia are low SES. Islam failed to lift them up.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
just look at malaysia, Selangor is not the state with the highest rape cases. The 2 sharia states take the top titles.

Majority of malays in Malaysia are low SES. Islam failed to lift them up.
Islam brainwashing ideal for low IQ folks
That’s why so many western niggers are converts