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Islamist group attacks Starbucks, Burger King stores in southeast Turkey over alleged Israel support



An Islamist group on June 22 stormed the Starbucks and Burger King stores located in the city center of southeastern Diyarbakır province in Turkey, protesting the brands’ alleged support of Israel.

The group chanted Islamic slogans such as “War, Jihad, Martyrdom,” and held placards that read, “Down with Zionism,” “Down with the U.S.”

Patrons scuffled as the group entered the store and damaged pieces of furniture, according to reporting by the Mesopotamia Agency (MA). Some employees and guests were reportedly battered.

The Diyarbakır Bar Association stated that the attacks have caused great fear and anxiety in citizens and employees.

"While we respect everyone's right to organize peaceful assemblies and demonstrations without prior permission under the right to freedom of assembly and demonstration, we cannot accept the exercise of this right in a manner that involves entering workplaces and causing fear and panic among the people present.”