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Islamic Terrorist Murders 6-Year-Old In Jerusalem



Jacov Yisrael Fali, a six-year-old boy. Fali was laid to rest in a small funeral before the start of Shabbat, at the request of his family. Fali’s father, who was moderately injured in the attack, is hospitalized and could not attend his son’s funeral. Jacob’s 8-year-old brother is still fighting for his life, while his father is also hospitalized in a moderate condition and another brother is in a mild condition
It was another horrifying scene in a long line of horrors perpetrated by Islamic terrorists.

MDA emergency medic Shraga Rosenthal said: “When we arrived at the scene, the sight was shocking. We saw a car near the bus station after it hit pedestrians who were waiting at the station. We saw 6 victims lying next to each other. Of these, 2 children were about 6 years old who were unconscious with severe multisystem injuries. A 27-year-old man and a 30-year-old man were unconscious and 2 other victims were fully conscious with injuries to their limbs. We gave them primary medical care and performed CPR on both children. This is a very difficult event.”
MDA paramedic Lishi Shemesh added: “I was in the car with my wife and children and I noticed a car driving quickly to the bus stop and running over the people standing at the stop. I stopped on the side and immediately ran towards the injured. A security guard neutralized and eliminated the terrorist. The sight was shocking, we saw casualties including 6 and 8 year old children lying unconscious. We started to do an initial screening of the victims and give them life-saving treatment. Immediately, large MDA forces arrived on the scene and continued the medical treatment and evacuated to the hospitals. I joined one of the ambulances and we evacuated a 26-year-old man in serious condition with a head injury to Shaare Zedek Hospital.”
All of this is being financed by the Palestinian Authority. And the Biden administration remains one of the biggest funders of the “Palestinians”.

This doesn’t have to go on happening. But it requires tough decisions by Israel and the United States. And those are not happening. Meanwhile, Israeli leftists and their allies will go on loudly denouncing judicial reform which could strip some of the unlimited power that leftist judges have at their disposal for protecting terrorists.