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Islamic Iran's bank manager fired for providing service to unveiled woman



Mehr news agency reported that the bank manager in Qom province, near Tehran, “had provided bank services on Thursday to an unveiled woman”. As a result, he was “removed from his position by order of the governor.” The 80 million nation has a legislation requiring women to cover their heads, necks, and hair, which is upheld by the morality police.

An Iranian bank manager who served a lady who was not wearing a head covering has been sacked as protests over the requirement to cover one’s head rock the Islamic Republic. The 80 million nation has a legislation requiring women to cover their heads, necks, and hair, which is upheld by the morality police….

Mehr news agency reported that the bank manager in Qom province, near Tehran, “had provided bank services on Thursday to an unveiled woman”. As a result, he was “removed from his position by order of the governor,” Mehr quoted deputy governor Ahmad Hajizadeh. Mehr added that the video of the unveiled woman “elicited a lot of reaction on social media.”

The majority of banks in Iran are run by the government, and according to Hajizadeh, it is the administrators of these establishments who are in charge of carrying out the hijab rule….

Ebrahim Raisi, the ultra-conservative president of this year, however, called for the mobilisation of “all state institutions to execute the headscarf rule” in July. However, a lot of women kept flouting the law.


The veil was never a big deal in Iran...how come this shitites becoming like Saudis?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
What is the point of Muslims having banks when interests are haram ?

Their banks don't have interest rates, but something else. :wink:


Islamic banking to continue seeing growth in South-east Asia​


Not sure why they're using ESG investing to shill for Islamic banking in the article... I hope they realize that Blackrock's Larry Fink is a godless Jew. :cool:
