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A key article in the current issue of the "Voice of Khurasan," an English-language monthly magazine published by Al-Azaim Media Foundation, a media outlet linked to the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), which defines itself as a supporting entity for the Islamic State (ISIS), lists ten reasons why Muslims should join group.
"Whoever wants to wage jihad, there is no purer jihadist than the mujahidin of the Islamic State. It is the only state in the world that has its own armies," says the article, titled "Why Should You Join The Islamic State?"
It observes: "All other organizations and movements are confined to the borders of nationalism and have stopped waging jihad under the pretext of 'non-interference in the internal affairs of others.'" It should be noted that the ISKP has consistently criticized the Afghan Taliban for banning jihad abroad.
The article appears in the magazine's Issue 41, which is dated Jamadi-ul-Awwal 1446, in the Hijri calendar, which corresponds with the lunar month beginning November 4, 2024.[1]
"In Our Time, There Are Countless Human Devils, And They Display All Kinds Of Ugliness To Prevent People From The Path Of Truth"; "Some, Such As The Jama'at Ahlul Hadith In Pakistan, The Madhaliyans In The Arab World, And The So-Called Sheikhs Of Al-Saud, Deceive The Youth In The Name Of Monotheism"
"Since the creation of Adam, the invitations to truth and falsehood began. The followers of Adam invited people to the truth, while the followers of the devil invited people to falsehood. This invitation has continued to the present day, but today, the followers of the devil's way have multiplied so much and come in front of people with such an attractive adornment that most people confuse truth and falsehood. If a person does not distinguish carefully, it is very difficult for him to escape from the traps of the devil and turn to the path of truth.
"However, despite the devil's countless tricks and traps, the truth is as bright and clear as the sun, and only those who close their eyes and cover their ears cannot see it. Praise be to Allah, we have before us a pure religion that illuminates the night like day. Whichever congregation or group claims to be right, its claim must be tested against the Quran and the Sunnah [traditions of Muhammad].
"In our time, there are countless human devils, and they display all kinds of ugliness to prevent people from the path of truth. Some of them deceive people in the name of Tawheed (monotheism), but when their deeds are put on the scales of the Quran and the Sunnah, they are revealed as violators of monotheism and inviters of disbelief.
"Some, such as the Jama'at Ahlul Hadith in Pakistan, the Madhaliyans in the Arab world, and the so-called sheikhs of Al-Saud, deceive the youth in the name of monotheism and use them as servants of the tyrants. Others raise the banner of jihad, resistance, and sacrifice and deceive the youth of the Islamic Ummah with many ambitious slogans such as 'we are waging jihad, eradicating disbelief, and liberating the Islamic world.'
"However, when we examine their deeds in the light of the Quran and the Sunnah, it becomes clear that their wars are purely for the sake of patriotism, establishing the rule of laws other than Allah's, gaining the approval of tyrannical institutions such as the United Nations, and other worldly goals.
"To achieve these goals, they sometimes hang out in hotels in Moscow and Qatar, sometimes beg the UN Security Council, and sometimes unite in alliance with the Iranians and the Crusaders. Thus, this holy war in the name of jihad turns into a war to oust one tyrant and put another tyrant in power, and the Shari'a is sacrificed to their interests and desires."
"It Is Important To Choose The Side Of The Islamic State Because, In This State, The Believers Are United; From The Philippines To Andalusia [Spain], From The Caucasus To Mozambique, The Believers Are Gathered Around This State Alone"
"In this case, it is necessary to define a line that follows the methodology of the Quran and the Sunnah in its entirety, following in the footsteps of the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them). This is only on the side of the Islamic State, which is endowed with monotheism and jihad.
"Why Should You Join The Islamic State? Because:
"1. It is important to choose the side of the Islamic State because, in this state, the believers are united. From the Philippines to Andalusia [Spain], from the Caucasus to Mozambique, the believers are gathered around this state alone. There is no other community or group that can be shown to us that is not limited to one region and that believers elsewhere can be included in this community.
The table of contents of the magazine
"2. Choosing the side of the Islamic State is important for the following reason: because only Ahl al-Sunnah are united here, and there are no mystical sects (Rawafidh [rejectionist, a pejorative term for Shi'ite], Murjiah, Khawarij,[2] Jahmiyah, Qadariyah, Mutazila, etc.). The aqidah [belief] of this state is the same as that of the Companions and Salaf al-Salihin [pious predecessors, referring to first three generations of Muslims], and its methodology is purely prophetic.
"3. The ranks of the Islamic State are important because this state fulfils the blessed jihad all over the world. It does not fight for nationalism, tribalism, or the imaginary Sykes-Picot borders. Likewise, it does not fight for status or fame but only for the glorification of Allah's word and the rule of Allah's shari'a on earth. It has proven this slogan in practice in the territories under its control.
"4. The ranks of the Islamic State are the only ones that show no loyalty to any tyrannical government or institution. Unlike other so-called jihadi groups, it does not apply humanitarian laws under the guise of necessity, nor does it show allegiance to tyrannical institutions, nor does it establish friendly relations with tyrannical countries."
"[ISIS] Has Exposed To The Ummah The Great Tyrannical Institutions Such As The United Nations And Its Security Council, And It Has Saved People From The Slavery Of Other Such Entities"
"5. The ranks of the Islamic State are important because they include and practice all aspects of the religion, including dawah (invitation), jihad, knowledge, and social life, as well as other acts of worship.
"6. The line of the Islamic State is important because it liberated the Ummah from great heresies. It has exposed to the Ummah the great tyrannical institutions such as the United Nations and its Security Council, and it has saved people from the slavery of other such entities. Likewise, the Islamic State has exposed the reality of today's global order of jahiliyyah (ignorance) and made it clear to the Ummah that aligning with it will lead to the destruction of this world and the Akhirah (Hereafter).
"7. Standing on the side of the Islamic State is necessary because it is led by an Emir, under a single flag, with a common doctrine and aqidah (creed), and is on the path of uniting the Islamic Ummah. The pain, joy, and happiness of the Ummah, which was divided yesterday, are one today. This is why the believers of the East are killing the kuffar [unbelievers] to avenge the deaths of their brothers in the West and calm the hearts of the believers.
"8. The ranks of the Islamic State are important because nothing can unite the hearts of the Islamic Ummah except this state. Whoever wants to wage jihad, there is no purer jihadist than the mujahidin of the Islamic State. It is the only state in the world that has its own armies, as all other organizations and movements are confined to the borders of nationalism and have stopped waging jihad under the pretext of 'non-interference in the internal affairs of others.'"
"Whoever Wants To Invite People, The Best Place To Do So Is In The Islamic State Because The Only People Who Follow The Path Of The Prophets Are The Mujahideen Of The Islamic State In Our Time, Who Invite With The Quran In One Hand And The Sword In The Other"
"9. Whoever seeks knowledge, there is no one who explains religion as purely as the sheikhs of the Islamic State. The sheikhs of Al-Saud in Saudi Arabia have fallen under the spell of Ibn Salman and only preach a religion in line with the wishes of the Saudi government. The same is the case with most of the scholars in Pakistan, where even the few scholars who want to explain the truth hide most of the issues and cannot explain them for fear of the tyrants. Scholars in Afghanistan have been forced to study Deobandism and Sufism, and other religious studies are restricted.
"Nowhere else in the world can you find a place where scholars can explain pure monotheism without fear. Only in the Islamic State do scholars and sheikhs explain the religion to the people without distortion, alteration, or falsification, and they do not fear anyone's condemnation when they explain the truth. Whoever wants to invite people, the best place to do so is in the Islamic State because the only people who follow the path of the Prophets are the mujahideen of the Islamic State in our time, who invite with the Quran in one hand and the sword in the other.
"10. The one who wants shari'a cannot find a better pure state than the Islamic State because it is the only state that fully implements shari'a and does not hesitate in the face of shari'a. Whoever wants to live like the Salaf al-Salihin and protect their property, life, honor, and religion as in the time of the Khulafa ar-Rashidin [i.e., the first four caliphs] should choose the side of the Islamic State and taste the life of paradise in this world, a life of peace, tranquillity, and security.
"Therefore, our message to all our believing brothers and sisters is this: In the time of fitna [strife], hold on to the Muslim jama'ah [congregation] and the leaders, and gather for obedience because this is the state that protects you from many challenges and preserves your faith. Do not join the ranks of this state just because 'this state is weak, it will be stronger if we join it,' but because it is the army of Allah, and you believe that Allah will protect it.
"Join this state for the sake of protecting your faith because the tyrants will not allow you to keep your faith intact and your beliefs healthy, and they will try to break it under various pretexts and try to force you into the side of kufr [unbelief] like them. Our duty is to deliver the clear message."
"Whoever wants to wage jihad, there is no purer jihadist than the mujahidin of the Islamic State. It is the only state in the world that has its own armies," says the article, titled "Why Should You Join The Islamic State?"
It observes: "All other organizations and movements are confined to the borders of nationalism and have stopped waging jihad under the pretext of 'non-interference in the internal affairs of others.'" It should be noted that the ISKP has consistently criticized the Afghan Taliban for banning jihad abroad.
The article appears in the magazine's Issue 41, which is dated Jamadi-ul-Awwal 1446, in the Hijri calendar, which corresponds with the lunar month beginning November 4, 2024.[1]

"In Our Time, There Are Countless Human Devils, And They Display All Kinds Of Ugliness To Prevent People From The Path Of Truth"; "Some, Such As The Jama'at Ahlul Hadith In Pakistan, The Madhaliyans In The Arab World, And The So-Called Sheikhs Of Al-Saud, Deceive The Youth In The Name Of Monotheism"
"Since the creation of Adam, the invitations to truth and falsehood began. The followers of Adam invited people to the truth, while the followers of the devil invited people to falsehood. This invitation has continued to the present day, but today, the followers of the devil's way have multiplied so much and come in front of people with such an attractive adornment that most people confuse truth and falsehood. If a person does not distinguish carefully, it is very difficult for him to escape from the traps of the devil and turn to the path of truth.
"However, despite the devil's countless tricks and traps, the truth is as bright and clear as the sun, and only those who close their eyes and cover their ears cannot see it. Praise be to Allah, we have before us a pure religion that illuminates the night like day. Whichever congregation or group claims to be right, its claim must be tested against the Quran and the Sunnah [traditions of Muhammad].
"In our time, there are countless human devils, and they display all kinds of ugliness to prevent people from the path of truth. Some of them deceive people in the name of Tawheed (monotheism), but when their deeds are put on the scales of the Quran and the Sunnah, they are revealed as violators of monotheism and inviters of disbelief.
"Some, such as the Jama'at Ahlul Hadith in Pakistan, the Madhaliyans in the Arab world, and the so-called sheikhs of Al-Saud, deceive the youth in the name of monotheism and use them as servants of the tyrants. Others raise the banner of jihad, resistance, and sacrifice and deceive the youth of the Islamic Ummah with many ambitious slogans such as 'we are waging jihad, eradicating disbelief, and liberating the Islamic world.'
"However, when we examine their deeds in the light of the Quran and the Sunnah, it becomes clear that their wars are purely for the sake of patriotism, establishing the rule of laws other than Allah's, gaining the approval of tyrannical institutions such as the United Nations, and other worldly goals.
"To achieve these goals, they sometimes hang out in hotels in Moscow and Qatar, sometimes beg the UN Security Council, and sometimes unite in alliance with the Iranians and the Crusaders. Thus, this holy war in the name of jihad turns into a war to oust one tyrant and put another tyrant in power, and the Shari'a is sacrificed to their interests and desires."
"It Is Important To Choose The Side Of The Islamic State Because, In This State, The Believers Are United; From The Philippines To Andalusia [Spain], From The Caucasus To Mozambique, The Believers Are Gathered Around This State Alone"
"In this case, it is necessary to define a line that follows the methodology of the Quran and the Sunnah in its entirety, following in the footsteps of the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them). This is only on the side of the Islamic State, which is endowed with monotheism and jihad.
"Why Should You Join The Islamic State? Because:
"1. It is important to choose the side of the Islamic State because, in this state, the believers are united. From the Philippines to Andalusia [Spain], from the Caucasus to Mozambique, the believers are gathered around this state alone. There is no other community or group that can be shown to us that is not limited to one region and that believers elsewhere can be included in this community.

The table of contents of the magazine
"2. Choosing the side of the Islamic State is important for the following reason: because only Ahl al-Sunnah are united here, and there are no mystical sects (Rawafidh [rejectionist, a pejorative term for Shi'ite], Murjiah, Khawarij,[2] Jahmiyah, Qadariyah, Mutazila, etc.). The aqidah [belief] of this state is the same as that of the Companions and Salaf al-Salihin [pious predecessors, referring to first three generations of Muslims], and its methodology is purely prophetic.
"3. The ranks of the Islamic State are important because this state fulfils the blessed jihad all over the world. It does not fight for nationalism, tribalism, or the imaginary Sykes-Picot borders. Likewise, it does not fight for status or fame but only for the glorification of Allah's word and the rule of Allah's shari'a on earth. It has proven this slogan in practice in the territories under its control.
"4. The ranks of the Islamic State are the only ones that show no loyalty to any tyrannical government or institution. Unlike other so-called jihadi groups, it does not apply humanitarian laws under the guise of necessity, nor does it show allegiance to tyrannical institutions, nor does it establish friendly relations with tyrannical countries."
"[ISIS] Has Exposed To The Ummah The Great Tyrannical Institutions Such As The United Nations And Its Security Council, And It Has Saved People From The Slavery Of Other Such Entities"
"5. The ranks of the Islamic State are important because they include and practice all aspects of the religion, including dawah (invitation), jihad, knowledge, and social life, as well as other acts of worship.
"6. The line of the Islamic State is important because it liberated the Ummah from great heresies. It has exposed to the Ummah the great tyrannical institutions such as the United Nations and its Security Council, and it has saved people from the slavery of other such entities. Likewise, the Islamic State has exposed the reality of today's global order of jahiliyyah (ignorance) and made it clear to the Ummah that aligning with it will lead to the destruction of this world and the Akhirah (Hereafter).
"7. Standing on the side of the Islamic State is necessary because it is led by an Emir, under a single flag, with a common doctrine and aqidah (creed), and is on the path of uniting the Islamic Ummah. The pain, joy, and happiness of the Ummah, which was divided yesterday, are one today. This is why the believers of the East are killing the kuffar [unbelievers] to avenge the deaths of their brothers in the West and calm the hearts of the believers.
"8. The ranks of the Islamic State are important because nothing can unite the hearts of the Islamic Ummah except this state. Whoever wants to wage jihad, there is no purer jihadist than the mujahidin of the Islamic State. It is the only state in the world that has its own armies, as all other organizations and movements are confined to the borders of nationalism and have stopped waging jihad under the pretext of 'non-interference in the internal affairs of others.'"
"Whoever Wants To Invite People, The Best Place To Do So Is In The Islamic State Because The Only People Who Follow The Path Of The Prophets Are The Mujahideen Of The Islamic State In Our Time, Who Invite With The Quran In One Hand And The Sword In The Other"
"9. Whoever seeks knowledge, there is no one who explains religion as purely as the sheikhs of the Islamic State. The sheikhs of Al-Saud in Saudi Arabia have fallen under the spell of Ibn Salman and only preach a religion in line with the wishes of the Saudi government. The same is the case with most of the scholars in Pakistan, where even the few scholars who want to explain the truth hide most of the issues and cannot explain them for fear of the tyrants. Scholars in Afghanistan have been forced to study Deobandism and Sufism, and other religious studies are restricted.
"Nowhere else in the world can you find a place where scholars can explain pure monotheism without fear. Only in the Islamic State do scholars and sheikhs explain the religion to the people without distortion, alteration, or falsification, and they do not fear anyone's condemnation when they explain the truth. Whoever wants to invite people, the best place to do so is in the Islamic State because the only people who follow the path of the Prophets are the mujahideen of the Islamic State in our time, who invite with the Quran in one hand and the sword in the other.
"10. The one who wants shari'a cannot find a better pure state than the Islamic State because it is the only state that fully implements shari'a and does not hesitate in the face of shari'a. Whoever wants to live like the Salaf al-Salihin and protect their property, life, honor, and religion as in the time of the Khulafa ar-Rashidin [i.e., the first four caliphs] should choose the side of the Islamic State and taste the life of paradise in this world, a life of peace, tranquillity, and security.
"Therefore, our message to all our believing brothers and sisters is this: In the time of fitna [strife], hold on to the Muslim jama'ah [congregation] and the leaders, and gather for obedience because this is the state that protects you from many challenges and preserves your faith. Do not join the ranks of this state just because 'this state is weak, it will be stronger if we join it,' but because it is the army of Allah, and you believe that Allah will protect it.
"Join this state for the sake of protecting your faith because the tyrants will not allow you to keep your faith intact and your beliefs healthy, and they will try to break it under various pretexts and try to force you into the side of kufr [unbelief] like them. Our duty is to deliver the clear message."