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Is using white daylight fluorescent tubes or bulbs LOW SES?


My girlfriend says make the apartment so bright like day when it is at night and it's hard for her to feel romantic and have the "feel" or "desire". She also says only LOW SES people use florescent tube lights for their homes.

Is it true?

What do you think?


My girlfriend says make the apartment so bright like day when it is at night and it's hard for her to feel romantic and have the "feel" or "desire". She also says only LOW SES people use florescent tube lights for their homes.

Is it true?

What do you think?

btw, simi meaning is LOW SES?

syed putra

To get the woman going, you need a romantic atmosphere. Music, food, lighting sll must be done right.


My girlfriend says make the apartment so bright like day when it is at night and it's hard for her to feel romantic and have the "feel" or "desire". She also says only LOW SES people use florescent tube lights for their homes.
Is it true?
What do you think?
u n ur gf.... GGDF... :geek:


My girlfriend says make the apartment so bright like day when it is at night and it's hard for her to feel romantic and have the "feel" or "desire". She also says only LOW SES people use florescent tube lights for their homes.

Is it true?

What do you think?

heng moi use torchlight


My girlfriend says make the apartment so bright like day when it is at night and it's hard for her to feel romantic and have the "feel" or "desire". She also says only LOW SES people use florescent tube lights for their homes.

Is it true?

What do you think?
moi think u should install red light all over your home lile this
your girl friend sure got feel and desire and both of u can do roleplaying too
