[COLOR="_______"]Police women sexually violated at PAP Govt's SAFEST ISD New Phoenix Park, taken up skirt photos and drank sperm!
This is better scandal than MSK fled from ISD. [/COLOR]
The civilian officer in the Singapore Police Force mixed semen into his colleagues' drinking water on two separate occasions in 2008 at his office along Irrawady Road. He has since been relieved of his position in the police force.
FYI Irrawady Road was WKS's New Phoenix Park aka ISD aka PAP 东厂
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same as:
So many couples, so little sperm
By Gan Ling Kai
THE demand is there but the spirit is unwilling. And so, despite the critical need from couples for sperm, the supply is dwindling.
Reasons: It could feel "funny". It would be "weird". There could be strange consequences later.
One fertility expert reckons that, at his hospital alone, there are eight couples vying for a single donation. Only three hospitals - Singapore General Hospital (SGH), National University Hospital (NUH) and KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH) - have sperm banks within their fertility centres.
They serve seven private fertility centres which help couples undergo assisted-reproduction treatments at their clinics.
And in all three sperm banks, demand outstrips supply.
Dr Loh Seong Feei, director of the KKIVF Centre and National Sperm Bank, told The New Paper on Sunday that KKH used to have one or two sperm donors every year.
For the past five years, however, there hasn't been a single donor.
At SGH, only eight men have donated their sperm over the last five years.
The figures are just as pathetic at NUH, which receives one or two donations a year.
Professor P C Wong, head of the division of reproductive endocrinology and fertility at NUH, said recently that the shortage could be due to the fact that "Singaporeans in general are not too altruistic".
But most of the men The New Paper on Sunday spoke to said it has nothing to do with altruism.
Only four out of 20 of them would consider donating their sperm in the future. One was undecided, while the remaining 15 said no without hesitation.
Mr Allan Tan, 32, a business risk manager, who is a father of two, said: "This has nothing to do with altruism. I have been a regular blood donor (about 10 times over the last decade). Donating blood is definitely more painful than donating sperm.
"I'm not donating sperm only because I don't want that child (born out of the donation) to be teased by his friends when he grows up for not looking like the man he calls 'dad'.
"Moreover, what if he falls in love with one of my daughters in future? Wouldn't that be incest?"
This is better scandal than MSK fled from ISD. [/COLOR]
The civilian officer in the Singapore Police Force mixed semen into his colleagues' drinking water on two separate occasions in 2008 at his office along Irrawady Road. He has since been relieved of his position in the police force.
FYI Irrawady Road was WKS's New Phoenix Park aka ISD aka PAP 东厂
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same as:
So many couples, so little sperm
By Gan Ling Kai
THE demand is there but the spirit is unwilling. And so, despite the critical need from couples for sperm, the supply is dwindling.
Reasons: It could feel "funny". It would be "weird". There could be strange consequences later.
One fertility expert reckons that, at his hospital alone, there are eight couples vying for a single donation. Only three hospitals - Singapore General Hospital (SGH), National University Hospital (NUH) and KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH) - have sperm banks within their fertility centres.
They serve seven private fertility centres which help couples undergo assisted-reproduction treatments at their clinics.
And in all three sperm banks, demand outstrips supply.
Dr Loh Seong Feei, director of the KKIVF Centre and National Sperm Bank, told The New Paper on Sunday that KKH used to have one or two sperm donors every year.
For the past five years, however, there hasn't been a single donor.
At SGH, only eight men have donated their sperm over the last five years.
The figures are just as pathetic at NUH, which receives one or two donations a year.
Professor P C Wong, head of the division of reproductive endocrinology and fertility at NUH, said recently that the shortage could be due to the fact that "Singaporeans in general are not too altruistic".
But most of the men The New Paper on Sunday spoke to said it has nothing to do with altruism.
Only four out of 20 of them would consider donating their sperm in the future. One was undecided, while the remaining 15 said no without hesitation.
Mr Allan Tan, 32, a business risk manager, who is a father of two, said: "This has nothing to do with altruism. I have been a regular blood donor (about 10 times over the last decade). Donating blood is definitely more painful than donating sperm.
"I'm not donating sperm only because I don't want that child (born out of the donation) to be teased by his friends when he grows up for not looking like the man he calls 'dad'.
"Moreover, what if he falls in love with one of my daughters in future? Wouldn't that be incest?"