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Is there currently a problem with WhatsApp?


WhatsApp appears to be down for users around the world.

The outage on Tuesday, Oct. 25 has been reported by users of the messaging app globally.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The problem with Whatsapp is that Mark Fuckerberg owns it. He is chopping headcount due to Meta's poor performance. That might explained the outage. His VR metaverse dream with Horizon World is shattered and nobody is buying his bullshit. In a fit of rage he could have pulled the power-cord off the WhatsApp server. :laugh:

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Alfrescian (Inf)
I have witnessed the bloat and deterioration of Whatsapp from the time before its acquisition by Facebook (2014), to how it is today. It's a big mess. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Lousy app, but too many ppl using. No choice got to use

After Facebook had acquired Whatsapp in 2014, the Whatsapp app became more bloated and buggy.

And until now there is no seamless built-in way to backup/transfer your chat history if you switch between Android and iOS.

I think even Microsoft would have done a better job with Whatsapp. :rolleyes: