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Is there anyone who have the wuhn virus but is immune.......


Alfrescian (Inf)
I'd estimate that 70% of those infected show no symptoms or mild symptoms which is why they never bothered to seek medical treatment in the first place.

It is due to the fact that the 70% already being infected with the papynohopvirus, the Almighty is merciful, you only die once.

Byebye Penis




Alfrescian (Inf)
Like show no or few symptoms, then one or two days, completely recover and everything is normal?

There is also the possibility that it seems you have recovered, everything back to normal, if quarantined they would release you, but you still carry the disease and continue to unknowingly infect others. Then one day while you're happily minding your own business, you drop dead. :biggrin:


That's why just wear the mask when u feel like wearing and make both yourself and others safer...unless there is a guaranteed vaccine or antidote now nobody has the right to stop u from protecting yourself...also it's a fact that different blood type is immune to different diseases just that this has not been widely researched due to potential loss of profits for pharmaceuticals...