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Is moon landing a hoax?


I really cannot believe with 70s technology, you can send message to moon. In 70s , you cannot even send sms and they can send signal to moon to control machines???

Looking at footage, all look like low quality B -movie


Alfrescian (Inf)
I really cannot believe with 70s technology, you can send message to moon. In 70s , you cannot even send sms and they can send signal to moon to control machines???

Looking at footage, all look like low quality B -movie
What do you expect? 4K 60fps ? :laugh:


Confirm hoax. NASA is desperately asking China to share their findings and extractions from the moon. In fact, they are blaming China for not sharing. So far, there are big discrepancies between what China found and what US said they found. Also various discrepancies between footages and moon imprints between China's landing and US landing.






Fact Check-Image of astronauts without helmets was taken during a training exercise​

Social media users have shared an image falsely claiming that it is proof that the moon landing was staged.

The photograph shows three astronauts without helmets on what appears to be the moon’s surface.

The text under the image reads: “So these guys on the moon took a moment to take of their helmets for this pic.”

Examples of the posts are viewable (here), (here), (here), (here), (here) and (here).

One user who shared the image via Twitter said: “On the "moon" without space helmets on. NASA is such a joke” (here).

The image is not proof that the moon landing was staged, however. The photograph was taken at Kennedy Space Center in Florida during a training exerciseon Feb. 19, 1972 (here).

The photograph is viewable on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) website with a caption that reads: “The crew of Apollo 16 pose during a training exercise at the Kennedy Space Center. Shown left to right are Lunar Module Pilot Charles M. Duke, Commander John W. Young, and Command Module Pilot Thomas K. Mattingly II (NASA Photo 72-H-249)” (here).

The Apollo 16 mission launched on April 16, 1972, where Commander John Young and Lunar Module Pilot Charles Duke collected 209 pounds of samples over three moonwalks (here).


False. An image of three astronauts without helmets is not proof that the moon landing was staged. The photograph was taken during a training exercise at Kennedy Space Center in February 1972.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking work here.



Fact Check-Image of astronauts without helmets was taken during a training exercise​

Social media users have shared an image falsely claiming that it is proof that the moon landing was staged.

The photograph shows three astronauts without helmets on what appears to be the moon’s surface.

The text under the image reads: “So these guys on the moon took a moment to take of their helmets for this pic.”

Examples of the posts are viewable (here), (here), (here), (here), (here) and (here).

One user who shared the image via Twitter said: “On the "moon" without space helmets on. NASA is such a joke” (here).

The image is not proof that the moon landing was staged, however. The photograph was taken at Kennedy Space Center in Florida during a training exerciseon Feb. 19, 1972 (here).

The photograph is viewable on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) website with a caption that reads: “The crew of Apollo 16 pose during a training exercise at the Kennedy Space Center. Shown left to right are Lunar Module Pilot Charles M. Duke, Commander John W. Young, and Command Module Pilot Thomas K. Mattingly II (NASA Photo 72-H-249)” (here).

The Apollo 16 mission launched on April 16, 1972, where Commander John Young and Lunar Module Pilot Charles Duke collected 209 pounds of samples over three moonwalks (here).


False. An image of three astronauts without helmets is not proof that the moon landing was staged. The photograph was taken during a training exercise at Kennedy Space Center in February 1972.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking work here.


Both Moon and Sun are local within our atmosphere. Not hundred thousands miles nor million miles away.



Fact Check-Image of astronauts without helmets was taken during a training exercise​

Social media users have shared an image falsely claiming that it is proof that the moon landing was staged.

The photograph shows three astronauts without helmets on what appears to be the moon’s surface.

The text under the image reads: “So these guys on the moon took a moment to take of their helmets for this pic.”

Examples of the posts are viewable (here), (here), (here), (here), (here) and (here).

One user who shared the image via Twitter said: “On the "moon" without space helmets on. NASA is such a joke” (here).

The image is not proof that the moon landing was staged, however. The photograph was taken at Kennedy Space Center in Florida during a training exerciseon Feb. 19, 1972 (here).

The photograph is viewable on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) website with a caption that reads: “The crew of Apollo 16 pose during a training exercise at the Kennedy Space Center. Shown left to right are Lunar Module Pilot Charles M. Duke, Commander John W. Young, and Command Module Pilot Thomas K. Mattingly II (NASA Photo 72-H-249)” (here).

The Apollo 16 mission launched on April 16, 1972, where Commander John Young and Lunar Module Pilot Charles Duke collected 209 pounds of samples over three moonwalks (here).


False. An image of three astronauts without helmets is not proof that the moon landing was staged. The photograph was taken during a training exercise at Kennedy Space Center in February 1972.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking work here.

But this prove that moon landscape can indeed be faked on earth!!! How do we know the difference?

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Why do ppl keep believing the moon landing is a Hoax?

Top 5 Reasons the Moon Landing Was Not a Hoax!​


On July 20, 1969, during one of the defining moments of the human history, Neil Armstrong became the first man to step on the surface of Earth’s Moon. In his own words, it was truly” one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”


Eugene Cernan on the Moon(Apollo 17,1972)

However, according to many conspiracy theorists, all the U.S. landings on the moon were faked, and all the photos and videos were made only on the film stage.
The results of recent survey have shown, that about 20% of Americans still believe to this day, that the United States of America never really made it to the Moon. In this article, we are going to look on 5 of the most frequent arguments for the moon landing hoax, and disprove them step-by-step, using the available evidence.

1.The Waving Flag

According to this argument, frequently cited by the people who think that the moon landings were nothing more but a hoax, is that the star-spangled banner of the United States of America seemed to wave and flutter as Neil Armstrong planted it to the ground. This wouldn’t have been much of an issue except for the fact that there is virtually no atmosphere on the moon, and therefore no wind whatsoever to have such an effect on any flag.

File:Buzz salutes the U.S. Flag.jpg

Buzz Aldrin salutes the U.S. Flag(Apollo 11, 1969)

However, if we look closely on the original moon landing footage, we can see that the flag is actually standing still, and not moving in any way during the entire tape. But why is the flag still? To make the flag stand still on the moon, the flag was actually made from plastic material, similar to the one that tents are usually made of. For practical reasons, the flag was originally folded to maximize space and stored in a thin tube. After Neil Armstrong planted it to the surface of the Moon, it briefly appeared to move as it was unfolding itself to its final shape.

2.Multiple Light Sources

On the moon, there is only one light source sufficiently strong to form shadows; the Sun. So it is solid to suggest that all shadows on the Moon should run parallel to each other. However, this was apparently not the case during the moon landing.

Most of the photos and video recordings clearly show that some shadows fall in different directions. Conspiracy theoretics often suggest that multiple sources of light were present, and that all the landing photos and videos were taken in a film studio.

Famous photo showing shadows of the rocks and Lunar Module(Apollo 14, 1971)
However, the truth is more prosaic. As it is on Earth, landscape of the Moon is not perfectly flat. Because of the uneven surface with bumps and small hills, shadows cast on different vertical angles had also large horizontal angular differences. On the photo above, shadows of the lunar module and the rocks point in slightly different directions. However, the lunar module is standing on flat ground and the rocks are located on a small bump(similar setting has been also recreated by the Mythbusters, proving the conspiracy wrong)

3.Van Allen Radiation Belts

According to this widely known argument for the fake moon landing theory, the astronauts would not be able even to survive their trip after receiving a lethal dose of radiation, both from the Van Allen radiation belts surrounding the Earth and solar radiation beyond Earth’s magnetic field.

File:Van Allen radiation belt.svg

Van Allen radiation belts

However, the truth is, during their entire voyage to the Moon and back to Earth, Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins only received amount of radiation equal to about 0.1% of the deadly dose. Their total exposure was approximately 11 milisieverts, and radiation dose lethal to an average human being is aroung 8,000 millisieverts.
The harmful effects of radiation are based both on its strength and the time of exposure to its source. Average human would need to spend nearly four months inside the Van Allen belts to accumulate a lethal dose. The astronauts managed to pass through them during less than one hour. Regarding the time spent out of Earth’s magnetic field, where the astronauts were exposed to solar radiation, an average human could endure a radiation exposure equivalent to one-way trip to Mars and still not receive a dose which exceeds lifetime levels set up by NASA.

4.Lack of Stars

Another famous argument for the moon landing hoax is a total lack of stars in the photographic and video evidence – even in the photos and videos of high quality. Here on Earth, when there’s a black sky, there is always a lot of stars, so the videos must have been shot on a film stage. Right? Not so fast…

File:Crescent Earth and Venus over the Apollo 14 LM.jpg

Crescent Earth and sky over the Lunar Module, with no stars visible (Apollo 14, 1971)
The true reason you can’t see the stars in photos and videos of Moon is not that the stars aren’t there, but rather because of the omnipresent sunlight and the exposure limits of cameras.

When these photos were taken, it was full daylight on the Moon. Because there is only an extremely thin atmosphere on the Moon,the sky appears black. In addition, sunlight at the Moon’s surface was incomparably strong with the starlight; the stars simply faded in comparison with the sun. If the astronauts used sufficiently long exposures, stars would, indeed, be visible.

5.No Satelitte Pictures

Even with all of our telescopes on Earth and the incredibly powerful Hubble Telescope, none of them has ever taken any pictures with any of the landing sites of the Moon. This often misleads us to the thought: are they really out there?

Satelitte photo showing the landing site of Apollo 17

It is true that even our most powerful telescopes aimed at the landing sites wouldn’t see anything. However, not because the Moon landings didn’t happen. It is only because of the optical limitations of telescopes themselves, because of their limited size and distance from the Moon.
Even though the Moon is much closer than any other major astronomical object, Hubble Telescope still cannot register any object on the moon smaller than four metres across.
However, it’s not true that we have no satellitte pictures of the moon landing sites. In fact, we have a number of satellittes orbiting around the Moon which have taken many pictures of all the landing sites before. These images clearly show the equipment left on the moon by astronauts, their footprints, and all the wheel tracks left by their moon-buggies.

Satelitte photo of Apollo 16 landing site

During the entire Apollo program, the Soviet Union closely monitored all the transmissions of the astronauts. They would have been absolutely delighted to find it was a hoax. It would have been the greatest propaganda coup of all time. But apparently, the Soviets also didn’t find any solid evidence of faked moon landings.


CECA also were trying to send mission. India’s Moon Mission Was Anything but A Failure so far. NASA in Tamil and Indian Sanskrit means nothing but destruction. Though NASA has employed many engineers from CECA land, they are still disputing the past genuine landings. We will study the why CECA is causing unbelief in the next post.

To be continued...

Singapore Dancing Spirit



Cuz', India’s Moon Mission Was Anything but A Failure.

Here’s Why


A radar scans the skies with the moon in the background at ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC) facility, on September 6, 2019 in Bangalore. - Chandrayaan-2 space exploration mission consisting of a lunar orbiter, a lander named Vikram, and a lunar rover named Pragyan, all of which were developed in India, was launched from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota on 22 July 2019 by the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) Mark III. (Photo by Manjunath Kiran / AFP) (Photo credit should read MANJUNATH KIRAN/AFP/Getty Images)

That simple sentiment, bursting with painful verisimilitude, was the order of the day when the Indian Space Research Organisation’s attempted, historic soft landing of its uncrewed contraption near the moon’s south pole went awry. Things were initially looking good for the Vikram lander – and its internalised exploratory rover, Pragyan – for some time, before the descent went off course during its final moments. Due to land on the lunar surface around a month after it was launched into space, technicians instead lost contact with it seconds before it was supposed to touch down in the dusty, unexplored regolith.

The antagonists behind the failed landing remain under investigation, and as of now remain inconclusive. The lander itself may not be totally lost; spotted from orbit, it appears to have remained in one piece. It has tipped onto its side, though, and attempts to communicate with it have so far been unsuccessful.

It certainly seems like a time to mourn the loss of a nearly historic mission to the moon. As some have pointed out, though, this endavour is not what you would call a failure by anyone’s standards.

The Chandrayaan-2 mission, like its Chandrayaan-1 predecessor, managed to deploy its orbiter without incident before the apparently doomed landing attempt took place. As noted by Emily Lakdawalla of the The Planetary Society, the orbiter – an eye up in the moon’s airless sky – will keep watch over our world’s sole natural satellite for an entire year.

If the orbiter was lost too, then sure, this mission would be a devastating, but not unforeseeable, failure. Space is hard. But the ingenuity of India’s scientists and engineers means that ISRO will now be able to conduct a myriad of phenomenal, cutting-edge lunar research regardless of whether or not they can salvage Vikram.
The orbiter, connected with the Indian Deep Space Network – a collection of antennas and relays to support its interplanetary missions – is absolutely packed with top-notch tech. Here’s a taste of what that little orbiter will be able to accomplish as it spins around the moon in glorious solitude.
  • Its Terrain Mapping Camera 2, or TMC 2, will be able to develop a detailed cartography of the lunar surface to a fairly decent resolution. This will help create 3D maps of the surface of the moon’s most massive scar, full of elusive, oft-hidden topographies and locked up supplies of water ice.
  • This will be aided by a radar system, one that will be capable of peering into regions of the moon that are perpetually in shadow. The radar will bounce off and warp inside the surface-level formations, and scientists will be able to use these perturbations to calculate the various thicknesses of said formations, including that all-important water ice.
  • The devil is in the details, which is why the infrared spectrometer instrument will come in handy. Using the characteristics of the light being emitted by the rocks lingering at the surface, this piece of kit will be able to identify a range of mineral species, thereby improving our understanding of the moon’s geology and how its south polar region varies from, say, the near side regions sampled by the Apollo missions around half a century earlier.
  • It’s not all about the moon. The orbiter’s X-ray Monitor will look at the fury being emitted by the Sun and its enigmatic, wisp-like corona, in effect allowing scientists to see how much solar radiation makes it to the moon, and how it changes along its journey.
  • Originally designed to last a year, the orbiters flawless insertion into a stable lunar ballet is now reportedly allowing it to function for almost seven years. Short of a rogue cometary or asteroidal fragment slamming into the orbiter, then, these instruments – and several others – will keep working, providing scientists all over the world with game-changing data until potentially sometime in 2026.
The fact that ISRO managed to place it there is an enormously laudable feat, and act of technical wizardry so immediately rewarding that it almost doesn’t matter that Vikram toppled over and went silent. It is, of course, hugely disappointing that Vikram looks to be unrecoverable. The science it and its Pragyan rover could have carried out in one of the geologically strangest and increasingly strategic parts of the Moon would have been a thrill to see. But, you know, space is hard.
Don’t let that crash-landing get you down, though; the moon still has a brand-new robotic friend, one that will, in time, reveal more of its secrets than anyone can possibly imagine.

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Singapore Dancing Spirit

What percentage of NASA employees are Indians?

My answer: ONE THIRD OF NASA EMPLOYEES ARE INDIANS, Remaining two thirds. of the NASA are other Americans and other nationalities


Are CECA good for any company or NASA or US Economy?
My Answer:
No. CECA always claim that their labour cost is damn cheap but that is far from truth. When i work in the USA, my management found me that I am an exception as my boss shared with me, if he assigned task of one week, but CECA would finish fast within 3 days and 2 days they relax. They don't spend any proper testing either. After 5 days if the product will go live and the user would experience hell a lot of problems. Then the CECA would firefight night and day for maintenance cost of fixing each error costs more man days. After I joined the team, i fired several CECA just like Elon Musk did. I recruited more Chinese from SG and MY and worked in the team and the quality of delivery was commendable as whatever we delivered was bug free.
  • CECA is always liabilities for any organization, never be an asset.
  • They are too lethargic.
  • They are unproductive as they play race card or caste card to cause unnecessary politics.
  • They are too expensive due to errors and bugs cause more damages.
  • They claim free food and other facilities at work but most the food will go waste as they prefer to WFH.
  • They are good for nothing.
Then how and why CECA succeeded in the IT industry?
They succeeded because of tricks and gimmicks and corporate politics and used their technical skills to use for evil purposes. This is to steal data from one platform and sell to other for profit. Over the last 2 decades also, all IT initiatives were used to breech the data privacy.
  • To my understanding only 10% of IT is used for constructive purposes
  • Remaining 90% IT is currently used for destructible purposes. It is to steal private data with all the legal loopholes to support their wrongs doings.
  • Only CECA would take up such roles. Other races will not show interest in any role or job which is unethical.
  • There is no future hold for CECA as itis going to be spiritual. CECA is satanic and evil spiritual.
  • They create propaganda to stir the heartedness in any country they migrate to
  • Now they are causing damages to American reputation and domination as CECA holds leadership roles in USA via tricks and backdoor.
CECA reputation and their evil nature to be exposed and their domination is now coming to an end.
More to come.