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is it safe go israel for holiday now?


Old Fart
My wife's friend and her family (stupid devout christians doing the christian pilgrimage) were there when the invasion started and the missiles started flying. Their flight home was cancelled, they were stuck for many hours. Last I heard, they managed to find a flight. Not sure if their aircraft was shot down though.

syed putra

My wife's friend and her family (stupid devout christians doing the christian pilgrimage) were there when the invasion started and the missiles started flying. Their flight home was cancelled, they were stuck for many hours. Last I heard, they managed to find a flight. Not sure if their aircraft was shot down though.
They can brag about this holiday for decades. It's a once in a lifetime ordeal.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
yes go to jerulsalem and stay there. its a holy city for both mutts & jews, they won't touch it.