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is it possible to move all people in sembawang, woodlands, angmokio, yishun, mandai, bishan and toapayoh to cbd area in 24 hours?




It's just simple maths - calculate the distance. Let's take the furthest distance - Tuas.

Should one have transports, it will take less than 20mins to reach there, or less than 2hrs in the case of traffic jams & also dependent upon how the authorities will manage the car park spaces as well as the cordoned area for Human space to rest & relax, with water, food, shelter & toilets .

If by walking, it may take 12 hrs at a non-sweating pace.

Such should only be done in times of emergency. We are a PREPARED ALWAYS Nation.


Alfrescian (Inf)
offer huawei phones with 69% discount only in the cbd and sinkie unkers and aunties will be there in no time.