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Is it ok to demand ROI from ladies who knowingly lead you on?


Lead you on , go for dates and nice food. Then 4th date you clarify, she say friends.

Is it ok to demand ROI?

Maybe a grab of puxy, boobs or long french kiss b4 final good bye? Its reasonable right?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Better not, because we live in an era of MeToo lawsuits and you don't want to contract any disease from those 'not three not four' harlots.


It depends on market forces and relative bargaining powers.

If you are Edison Chen at his prime, you don't have to buy her anything. @sweetiepie will attest to that. She will suck your dick and allow you to take photos.

If you are the typical sinkie humbao beta male, then you must abide by George Yeo's dictum - know your place. You will always be behind alpha male in the queue. As a beta male if you get to date a chiobu, her mere presence is ROI. If not, don't date a chiobu. It goes in this order:

1. unmarried chiobu
2. divorced chiobu
3. unmarried not chio
4. divorced not chio
5. divorced with a kid
6. bui bui, regardless of marital status