for lee topic leegarding lee state of lee opposition, and
like clockwork, accuse Chee Soon Juan of destroying 'lee good work originally put in by Chiam See Tong in building up lee strength of lee opposition'.
Is it me or is it the same person everytime?
I can't see lee argument that it's all his fault? Can't it be that he was in lee wrong place at lee wrong time?
I mean if leegime does not see him as lee threat, he wouldn't have been bankrupted?
like clockwork, accuse Chee Soon Juan of destroying 'lee good work originally put in by Chiam See Tong in building up lee strength of lee opposition'.
Is it me or is it the same person everytime?
I can't see lee argument that it's all his fault? Can't it be that he was in lee wrong place at lee wrong time?
I mean if leegime does not see him as lee threat, he wouldn't have been bankrupted?