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Is Christmas eve supposed to be half-day off?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Limpeh no work for sinkie companies liao for long time so dunno what's the protocol like. Any input?

It's up to the company. For example, some schools give their students half day off for good performance in national exams or inter-school sports competitions.

Or like BMT units in NS. White horse units have more welfare, can sleep earlier and wake up later. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Half day today but it depends. SME don’t allow staff to go home early today

And SMEs wonder why their turnover rate is so high. :roflmao:

Resentment doesn't happen overnight, it slowly builds up, piece by piece by piece, from the small, trivial, unrelated, and seemingly insignificant things. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
American companies already off like siao...
I've worked for US company in BangCock and basically December is a switched-off month with minimal staff as all the chow ang-mohs will return to US and Europe for their long holiday.
December is the best time for Asian staff to slack like siao.


I've worked for US company in BangCock and basically December is a switched-off month with minimal staff as all the chow ang-mohs will return to US and Europe for their long holiday.
December is the best time for Asian staff to slack like siao.
Yup....I am slacking as I'm typing this...


Limpeh no work for sinkie companies liao for long time so dunno what's the protocol like. Any input?
For some companies,u apply half-day leave in the morning for X'mas eve.But for some companies ,
Unofficially u are given paid half-day off (no deduction of your annual leave).