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Iranian Teen faces execution on charge of ‘waging war against Allah’ for ‘protecting women’



A petition has been launched to save an Iranian teenager being executed and to raise awareness to the atrocities committed in Iran after Makan Davari was sentenced following a trial on Christmas Eve 2022. He is currently detained in Iran in prison.

The change.org petition has already garnered 546,630 signatures and hopes to gather enough supporters to “bring the world’s attention to this atrocity and potentially stop Makan’s unjust and unlawful detention and looming execution”.

Petition creator Nazanin wrote the teen, who is from Langarud, a small city in the northern province of Gilan, Iran, was arrested during the first week of the Iranian protests while returning home from gym.

The 19-year-old was arrested whilst trying to protect a group of women who were being assaulted by the regime, the creator claimed.

Davari is said to be the only son of a single mother suffering from leukaemia….

Human rights groups say more than 500 demonstrators have been killed, including 70 minors, and around 20,000 have been arrested…..

syed putra

They got the religion and God all mixed up. Religion has nothing to do with God.But clerics insist it is so that they are in command.