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Iranian shiite cleric: 'Jews have had access to genies since Davidic times', were able to eliminate Hassan Nasrallah by employing the aid of Jinn



Cleric claims in televised interview that Israel was able to eliminate Hassan Nasrallah by employing the aid of supernatural creatures and advanced technologies the Jews have supposedly had for 3,000 years.​



Alfrescian (Inf)
how these clowns going to beat Israel technologically if they keep spurning such stupidity???

Without this stupidity from generations of religion-sanctioned inbreeding, how else to keep their intelligence low enough so they cheerfully become members of the Pedo Warlord Cult of Peace? :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Two magical creatures have greatly influenced our pop culture: vampires and genies (djinns).

Books, movies, video games etc.

Without the pre-Islamic pagan Arabs, we wouldn't have these.
