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Iran prepares for imminent attack by Israel

Byebye Penis


Iran’s Oil Tankers Flee Biggest Export Terminal Fearing Israeli Attack​


Iranian oil tankers have moved away from Kharg Island, Iran’s biggest oil export terminal, amid fears of an imminent Israeli attack on the most important crude export infrastructure in Iran.

Satellite images and tanker tracking companies have detected the major exodus of Iranian tankers away from Kharg Island, which handles about 90% of Iran’s all oil exports, CNBC reports.

Byebye Penis


Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Israel will attack with missiles or drones. The most worrying target for everyone are the nuclear processing facilities. .

Russia supplied Iran with anti ballistic defense system after the Hamas chief was assassinated. Time to find out if they work


Alfrescian (Inf)
Islamofascists shouldn't have poked the hornet's nest.

Yahudis and the state of Israel are like waving a red piece of cloth in front of a bull, they just can't help themselves. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Israel will attack with missiles or drones. The most worrying target for everyone are the nuclear processing facilities. .

Russia supplied Iran with anti ballistic defense system after the Hamas chief was assassinated. Time to find out if they work

Just bomb the oil facilities, the ports and airports, and the military camps.

Russia is too distracted with Ukraine/NATO, China is too poor to help, Iran is fucked.