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Iran Denies Medical Care to Elderly Baha’i Prisoner


The Islamic Republic’s authorities have deprived a 67-year-old Baha’i prisoner of specialized medical care, human rights sources reported.
Valiollah Ghadamian was sentenced to two years in prison by the 36th Branch of the Tehran Court of Appeals last year and is currently serving his sentence in Evin Prison.
According to the HRANA human rights news agency, “The political prisoner was recently transferred to a hospital for treatment but was returned to prison shortly after without receiving proper medical attention.”
“Mr. Ghadamian has been suffering from a lung disease in prison, experiencing cold symptoms, fever, and chills for a long time, during which the medical officials only prescribed antibiotics for him.”
An informed source continued: “As his condition worsened and the health of this Baha’i prisoner deteriorated, a prison doctor ordered tests that revealed he has suffered lung damage and requires specialized treatment.”
Authorities have so far rejected all of Ghadamian’s requests for leave.
The Iranian government does not recognize the Baha’i faith, and its followers have faced systematic discrimination in the country for decades.
Baha’is have been persecuted in Iran because of their faith and are often accused of being spies or opposing the Iranian government. The Baha’i International Community states that no evidence has been provided to support these charges.