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IOJ's URGENT Attorney Message About Nuremberg Hearing(s) Commencing On November 11, 2024



Greetings from Costa Rica where IOJ is headquartered and where we think the world will finally gain justice for COVID-19 crimes!

We would like to present to you a message from our Attorney, he is one of IoJ’s most precious legal team members. His name is George and we think he is very courageous for standing up for whats right.

An URGENT & IMPORTANT message from IOJ’s Attorney - about the hearing:

Of course we have dumped one of the most extensive and largest cases in the world on his desk! It’s against the World Health organization others unnamed at the moment to nullify, delist and stop the global (non) vaccine product peddlers global racketeering scheme.

This case is so extensive that it is too difficult to explain the rabbit hole of legalities, facts, evidence, testimony, coverups, extermination and flat out murder in a single post, which is why we are behind the scenes working frantically to get this man and his team paid so he can do his job as a kick ass Attorney on the side of humanity.

Someone was diabolically genius when they rolled out these toxic shots. They must have planned this for some time to try and pull this one over humanities head. But never fear!!! All of the brave people who have helped around the world uncover these diabolical schemes (including us) have put our efforts to create change so that this never happens again…

Here at IOJ, we did the unraveling of the giant ball of yarn the globalists have thrown at us and we rewound it into something tangible for the judicial system to understand from a legal standpoint!

On November 11, 2024 is humanities chance to stand up to WHO and we ask you to support IOJ, Dr. Yeadon, Dr. Janci Lindsay and Sasha Latypova in our biggest opportunity yet to tell the governments why they have NO choice but to shut down the WHO vax authorizations globally and delist the WHO EUL PCR and mRNA non vaccines! Join us on the journey!

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IOJ important related Article:

World Health Organization (WHO)

VP & Health Minister ORDERS Nuremberg Hearing To Take The WHO Authorized EUL PCR & "Vaccine" Off The Global Market and Hold WHO Responsible​
