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International Fried Chicken Day (Sat, 6 July) promotion



Texas Chicken celebrates International Fried Chicken Day with $1 Fried Chicken on 6 Jul 24​


Attention all fried chicken lovers! Texas Chicken is thrilled to announce a mouth-watering celebration in honor of International Fried Chicken Day on July 6, 2024. Mark your calendars and prepare your taste buds for an irresistible offer that’s sure to make your day finger-licking good!

$1 Fried Chicken – A Deal You Can’t Miss!​

On July 6, head to any Texas Chicken outlet and enjoy a piece of their famous fried chicken for just $1! Yes, you read that right – only $1 for a crispy, juicy piece of fried chicken that’s been marinated and cooked to perfection. This exclusive offer is available for one day only and can be redeemed at the counter. Please note, to ensure everyone gets a taste of this delectable deal, only one $1 fried chicken piece is allowed per transaction.


Make it a Meal for Just $3.50 More!​

Why stop at just one piece of chicken? Enhance your International Fried Chicken Day experience by making it a meal. For an additional $3.50, you can add a serving of creamy mashed potatoes and a refreshing SJORA Lychee Berry drink to your order. The mashed potatoes are the perfect complement to the savory fried chicken, and the SJORA Lychee Berry drink offers a delightful burst of fruity freshness to round out your meal.

How to Enjoy the Offer​

  • Date: July 6, 2024
  • Offer: $1 Fried Chicken (Order at counter only, 1 per transaction)
  • Upgrade: Make it a meal with Mashed Potatoe and SJORA Lychee Berry for just $3.50 more

Join the Celebration!​

Don’t miss out on this fantastic deal! Visit your nearest Texas Chicken outlet on July 6 and be part of the International Fried Chicken Day celebration. Bring your friends and family, share the joy of good food, and create unforgettable memories with Texas Chicken.

Celebrate International Fried Chicken Day the Texas Chicken way – with great food, great value, and great fun!