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Installed VPN directly on my router!


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Best decision I have ever made. I no longer need to configure VPN on all the devices that use home WiFi.

Fantastic signal strength too no need for any boosters.


Scrooball (clone)

I’ve thought about that… but I typically only use vpn for a couple of use cases such as access certain sites or watch certain geographical fencing shows. The trade off is certainly a reduction in speed with the vpn on by default.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I’ve thought about that… but I typically only use vpn for a couple of use cases such as access certain sites or watch certain geographical fencing shows. The trade off is certainly a reduction in speed with the vpn on by default.

I did a speed test for NordVPN and if you use the recommended server I have not detected any noticeable loss of speed whatsoever.

You can test it out at https://speedtest.net


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I'm on a 100Mbps plan and this is the speed I get with the recommended server.

Screen Shot 2021-07-15 at 6.27.51 PM.png


What a great idea! Thanks! I'll definitely try it as I use a VPN on all my devices, especially since I started working remotely.


Guys, what about ExpressVPN?
Very popular for some reason, but i didn't like it too much.
In this article you can find a comparison review of Norton and Express vpn and see what characteristics are important for you and which once are not.
Only by trying few different services, you can find the one which which fits you 100%/. Good luck!
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